What is a Fraction?
A fraction is a small part or proportion of something.
It is 1 whole
Here we have divided a whole into two equal parts, each is part is called half or ½
Here we have divided a whole into three equal parts; each part is called One-third or 1/3.
One-fourth or Quarter
Here we have divided a whole into four equal parts; each part is called One-fourth or ¼.
How to read and write fractions?
Here, a big rectangle is divided into 5 equal parts. Out of 5 parts only 2 parts is shaded in green.
So, fraction for shaded part is 2/5
It can be read as 2 by 5 or 2 upon 5
Numerator represents the parts we are talking about out of total number of parts.
Denominator represents the total number of parts in which the whole is divided into.
Practice Questions
Write the numerator and denominator for the fraction given below.
a. 2/7 N = _________ D = _________
b. 7/10 N = _________ D = _________
c. 5/9 N = _________ D = _________
d. 1/6 N = _________ D = _________
e. 3/8 N = _________ D = _________
Fill in the blanks.
a. A fraction is a small ________________________ of something.
b. Number written above the line in a fraction is called ________________.
c. Number written below the line in a fraction is called ________________.
Write the fraction.
a. Dia ate 4 pieces out of 6 pieces of pizza. What fraction of pizza did she eat?
b. Ravi had 100 rupees. He spent 20 rupees to buy an ice cream. What fraction of money he spend on ice cream?
c. There are 8 apples. Out of which 3 are rotten. What fraction of apples is rotten?
State True/False
One- third can be written as 1/3. ________
2 by 5 is same 2 upon 5. __________