Types of Numbers
What are Natural Numbers ?
- Set of counting numbers is called the Natural Numbers.
What are Whole numbers ?
- Set of Natural numbers plus Zero is called the Whole Numbers
All natural Number are whole number but all whole numbers are not natural numbers
-2 is not a Natural number
0 is a Whole number
What are Integers ?
In Number System, Integers is the set of all the whole number plus the negative of Natural Numbers
- Integers contains all the whole number plus negative of all the natural numbers.
- The natural numbers without zero are commonly referred to as positive integers.
- The negative of a positive integer is defined as a number that produces 0 when it is added to the corresponding positive integer.
- Natural numbers with zero are referred to as non-negative integers.
- The natural numbers form a subset of the integers.
What are Rational Numbers ?
In Number system, a number is called rational number if it can be expressed in the form where p and q are integers ( q> 0).
Example : etc.
- In Number system; every integers, natural and whole number is a rational number as they can be expressed in terms of p/q.
- Rational Numbers are denoted by the alphabet 'Q'.
- ‘Rational’ comes from the word ‘ratio’, and Q comes from the word ‘quotient’.
- There are infinite rational number between two rational numbers.
- They either have termination decimal expression or repeating non terminating decimal expression.So if a number whose decimal expansion is terminating or non-terminating recurring then it is rational.
- The sum, difference and the product of two rational numbers is always a rational number.
- The quotient of a division of one rational number by a non-zero rational number is a rational number.
- Rational numbers satisfy the closure property under addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
(i) Every whole number is a natural number.
Solution :False, because zero is a whole number but not a natural number.
(ii) Every integer is a rational number.
Solution:True, because every integer m can be expressed in the form m/1
which is a rational number
(iii) Every rational number is an integer.
Solution : False, because
3/5 is not an integer.
What is meant by Standard Form of a Rational Number ?
(that is, p and q are co-prime) then we say that the rational number p/q is in standard form or in its lowest terms.

What are Irrational Numbers ?
- In Number system, a number is called Irrational number if it cannot be expressed in the form p/q, where p and q are integers ( q> 0).
- There are infinitely many irrational numbers too.
Example : etc
If we do the decimal expansion of an irrational number then it would be non –terminating non-recurring and vice-versa. i. e. the remainder does not become zero and also not repeated.
π = 3.141592653589793238……
What are Real Numbers?

- All rational and all irrational number makes the collection of real numbers. It is denoted by the letter 'R'.
- Every real number is represented by a unique point on the number line. Also, every point on the number line represents a unique real number.
- The square root of any positive real number exists and that also can be represented on number line.
- The sum or difference of a rational number and an irrational number is an irrational number.
- The product or division of a rational number with an irrational number is an irrational number.
- This process of visualization of representing a decimal expansion on the number line is known as the process of successive magnification
Properties of Real Numbers
Real numbers satisfy the
- Commutative Property
- Associative Property
- Distributive laws.
These can be stated as
Commutative Law of Addition
Commutative Law of Multiplication
Associative Law of Addition
Associative Law of Multiplication
Distributive Law
In Number System, if ' r ' is a rational number and ' s ' is an irrational number, then r+s and r-s are irrationals.
Further, if r is a non-zero rational, then r*s and r/s are irrationals
Extra Information
Special properties around number 0 and 1- Addition Property of Zero:Adding zero to a number does not change it. For all real number
- Multiplication Property of Zero:Multiplying a number by zero always gives zero. For all real number
- Powers of Zero:The number zero, raised to any allowable power, equals zero. For n any positive number In particular, zero to the zero power ( 0n) is undefined
- Zero as a numerator: Zero, divided by any nonzero number, is zero. For all real number except 0 , and for 0, is undefined quantity
- Division by zero is not allowed: Any division problem with zero as the denominator is not defined. For example,
- Multiplication Property of One:Addition Property of Zero:Multiplication Property of Zero:Powers of Zero:Zero as a numerator:Division by zero is not allowed:Multiplication Property of OneMultiplying a number by one does not change it.For all real number
- Powers of One: The number one, raised to any power, equals one.For all real numbers This is true even if the n is a fraction
- NegativeNames for the number one:Any nonzero number divided by itself equals one.For all real number except 0 ,