Capital letters
We use capital letter in the following case:1. To begin a sentence
2. For proper noun
3. For pronoun ‘I’
4. Names of Days of Week,Months of Year, Rivers etc begins with capital Letters.
Common Punctuation Marks
Full Stop (.)
1. Full stop is used at the end statement or command sentence.Example:
This is a red car. (Statement)
Come here. (Command)
2. Full stop is used in end of abbreviations if the first and only a part of the word are used.
Captain (Capt.)
3. Full stop is not used in the abbreviations if the last letter of word is included in the abbreviations.( according to UK convention)
Doctor (Dr)
Question Mark (?)
1. Question mark is used at the end of direct question.Example:
Why are you sad? (Direct question)
2. Question mark is not used in case of indirect question.
I asked her why she is sad. (Indirect question)
Exclamation Mark (!)
An exclamation mark usually used to shows strong feeling such as surprise, anger or joy.Example:
Well done!
Hurray! Tomorrow is holiday.
Comma (,)
1. Comma is used to show a pause in a sentence.Example:
Therefore, we should speak to teacher on this matter.
2. Comma is used to separate words in a list of things.
I want to order pizza, burger, soft drinks and lollipops.
3. Comma is used to show what someone has said.
“I hope he will be all right soon”, said Ravi
4. Comma is used after salutation.
Dear mam,
Apostrophe (‘)
1. Apostrophe is used to indicate possession of something.Example:
This is Ravi’s house.
2. Apostrophe is used in contraction where letters have been omitted.
Practice Exercise
Q1) Rewrite the sentence using correct punctuation.jeet is playing with a ball
tom is sleeping in his bed
little girl is hungry
are you waiting for me
what a beautiful flower
mom is driving to bank in her car
how are you my friend
grandpa is looking for his stick
well done my child
children are playing with a ball in the park
We saw tiger lion and elephant in the zoo
Q2) Rewrite the sentence using correct punctuation.
rahul is cleaning his room
tia dance so well
why are you crying
________________________________________ girl is skipping in the garden
what a picture
mom is driving to bank in her car
when will we go to patna
my sister loves to sing
look out there is a big spider
tina is working hard for her exam
mom cooked rice dal and curry today
Q3) Complete each sentence by adding a Full stop ( . ), exclamation mark ( ! ), or question mark ( ? ).
1. When is your birthday
2. I love ice cream
3. My favorite subject is writing
4. Sam walks to school
5. How far can you run
6. The dog is in the dog house
7. What is the title of the book
8. We had pizza for lunch
9. May I have a drink of water
10. The cat jumped on the fence