Non-Gradable or Strong Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities of something.

There are different kinds of adjectives in English.

Adjectives can be gradable and non-gradable ( extreme adjectives ).

Gradable adjectives

  • Gradable adjectives means different degrees or levels of the quality.
  • We can use these adjectives with some adverbs ( like a bit, very, really, extremely , quite, etc.) to show the degrees of the quality.
  • Example
For “Difficult”, we can say
  1. a little bit difficult,
  2. rather difficult,
  3. very difficult, or
  4. extremely difficult
  5. not at all difficult

Non-gradable / Extreme / Strong adjectives

  • Non-gradable / Extreme / Strong adjectives do not have different degrees or levels of the quality.
  • We can also use these adjectives with some adverbs ( like absolutely, completely, really, mainly, etc.).
  • Extreme adjectives( non-gradable adjectives) mean very + adjective.
  • Example;
big –> huge ( means very big )

Follow the list for detailed extreme adjective list

Adjective Extreme Adjective
angry furious
bad awful, terrible
big huge, gigantic
pretty gorgeous, beautiful
clean spotless
cold freezing
crowded packed
nice lovely
funny hilarious
good fantastic, excellent
interesting fascinating
old ancient
tasty delicious
pretty gorgeous
sad miserable
scary terrifying
small tiny
tired exhausted
long endless
expensive exorbitant
hungry starving