Units of Time

Time is very important for us because we organize or plan our social, economic and cultural activities according to time. Time is a very wide concept. It is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc.

There are different units of time. These are mentioned respectively below;

0.001 second           => 1 millisecond
1000 millisecond    => 1 second
60 seconds              => 1 minute
60 minutes              => 1 hour
24 hours                  => 1 day
7 days                     => 1 week
28/29/30/30/31 day => 1 month
12 months               => 1 year
10 years                  => 1 decade
100 years                => 1 century
1000 years              => 1 millenium


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to 0.001 seconds.
  • 0.001 second = 1 millisecond


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to a sixtieth of a minute.
  • 1000 milliseconds = 1 second


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to sixty seconds.
  • 60 seconds = 1 minute


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to 60 minutes.
  • 60 minutes = 1 hour


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to 24 hours.
  • 24 hours = 1 day


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to seven days.
  • Seven days = 1 week


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to approximately 4 weeks.
  • (approximately) 4 weeks = 1 month
  • 28, 29, 30 or 31 days = 1 month


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to twelve months.
  • 12 months = 1 year
  • 52 Weeks = 1 Year
  • 365 or 366 days = 1 Year


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to 10 years.
  • 10 years = 1 decade


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to 100 years.
  • 100 years = 1 century


  • It is a unit of time that is equal to 1000 years.
  • 1000 years = 1 millennium