Commonly used Interjections with Examples

What are Interjections ?

  • Interjections are words used to express some sudden feeling or emotion.
  • They are usually followed by an exclamation mark (!).

Commonly used Interjections with Examples

A) Bravo! – expresses sudden admiration

  1. Bravo! You have done a good job.
  2. Bravo! The first rank is yours this year.
  3. Bravo! That was a great goal.

B) Alas! - expresses sudden grief

  1. Alas! He is no more.
  2. Alas! The city has been ruined!
  3. Alas! She is dead now.

C) Oh! - expresses sudden wonder/pain/disappointment

  1. Oh! The teacher’s caught him.
  2. Oh! I forgot your name.
  3. Oh! I didn’t know that.

D) Hurrah! - expresses sudden joy

  1. Hurrah! We have won the match.
  2. Hurrah! My brother has come.
  3. Hurrah! I have passed the entrance exam!

E) Hush! – become quiet or still, fall silent

  1. Hush! Don’t make a noise.
  2. Hush! The baby may wake up.
  3. Hush! Someone will hear you.

F) Wow! - expresses admiration/ appreciation

  1. Wow! You are looking beautiful.
  2. Wow! What a big car!
  3. Wow! That’s really great news!

G) Ugh! – expresses disgust/dislike

  1. Ugh! I’m never doing that again!
  2. Ugh, I can't stand that movie.

H) Look! – draw attention to something

  1. Look! You are so arrogant.
  2. Look! It is so cute!
  3. Look! The Principal is coming.

I) Oh no! - expresses alarm/concern/anger/disappointment

  1. Oh no! The house is on fire!
  2. Oh no! Did I leave my purse in the car?
  3. Oh no! He is back again.

Hello! - expresses greeting/surprise

  1. Hello! How are you today?
  2. Hello! My car's gone!
  3. Hello! My name is Jia.

Ah! – expresses pleasure/surprise/realization/resignation

  1. Ah! That feels good.
  2. Ah! I've won!
  3. Ah! I got new project.

Practice Exercise

QA ) Choose the interjection from the Word Bank below that best completes each sentence.

[Alas! Look! Ah! Hush! Wow! Hurrah! Hello! Oh no! Ugh! Bravo! Oh!]

1. ________ My cat is dead.

2. ________ How lovely it is!

3. ________ The baby is sleeping.

4. ________ What a beautiful saree!

5. ________ What are you doing in my room?

6. ________ I lost my watch.

7. ________ Why are you wearing dirty shoes?

8. ________ Take care of yourself else you will fall ill.

9. ________ We have got another holiday.

10. ________ Well hit.

11. ________ Look at the stars.

12. ________ My name is Tina.

13. ________ You so rude.

14. ________ What a catch.

QB) Choose the interjection from the Word Bank below that best completes each sentence.

[Hurray! Alas! Hush! Wow! Hello! Oh! Ah!]

1. ___________ We won this match.

2. ___________ I lost my mobile yesterday.

3. ___________ You finally got your degree.

4. ___________ The exams are over.

5. ___________ You are looking great.

6. ___________ What are you doing there?

7. ___________ Don’t make noise.

8. ___________ Sia is here!

9. ___________ He is dead.

10. ___________ I am Jai.

11. ___________ I passed the test.

12. ___________ Now I understand.

13. ___________ I've got a headache.

14. ___________ The teacher is coming.