Like and Unlike Fractions

Like and Unlike Fractions

Like Fractions

All fractions with the same denominators (i.e. number written below the horizontal line) are called like fractions.

Example: 2/14, 3/14, 4/14, 5/14 are like fractions as all fraction have same bottom number i.e. denominator.

 Unlike Fractions

All fractions with the different denominators (i.e. number written below the horizontal line) are called unlike fractions.

Example: 2/3, 5/14, 7/8, 9/13 are unlike fractions as all fraction have different bottom number i.e. denominator.

Conversion of Unlike Fractions to Like Fractions

Step1. Find the LCM of the denominators of the given fractions.

Step2. Find the quotient by dividing the LCM by denominator of the given fractions.

Step3. Multiply the numerator by corresponding quotient.

 Example: Convert 2/9 and 5/6 to like fractions.

Step 1: LCM of 9 and 6 = 2 x 3 x 3 = 18









Now, we have to adjust the numerators to the LCM =18

Step 2:

  • Convert 2/9

Numerator to be multiplied by (18/9 = 2)

Changed numerator = 2 x 2 = 4

2/9 (old fraction) = 4/18 (new fraction)

Numerator to be multiplied by (18/6 = 3)

Changed numerator = 5 x 3 = 15

5/6 (old fraction) = 15/18 (new fraction)

Therefore; 4/18 and 15/18 are the required like fractions.

Comparing Like Fractions

In like fractions, the fraction with the greater numerator is greater.

Example: Compare 4/5 and 3/5

And 4 > 3

Therefore, 4/5 > 3/5

 Comparing Unlike Fractions

Step 1: Find the denominators of the fractions and find their LCM.

Step 2: Convert each given fraction to equivalent fraction with denominator equal to the LCM.

Step 3: Now compare the numerators of the equivalent fractions whose denominators are same.

Example: Compare 3/8 and 4/6.

Step 1: LCM of 8 and 6 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 24











Now, we have to adjust the numerators to the LCM =24

Step 2:

  • Convert 3/8

Numerator to be multiplied by (24/8 = 3)

Changed numerator = 3 x 3 = 9

3/8 (old fraction) = 9/24 (new fraction)

  • Convert 4/6

Numerator to be multiplied by (24/6 = 4)

Changed numerator = 4 x 4 = 16

4/6 (old fraction) = 16/24 (new fraction)

Therefore; 9/24 and 16/24 are the required like fractions.

  • Now compare numerators of the two like fractions

16 > 9

Therefore; 16/24 > 9/24

i.e. 4/6 > 3/8

Practice Exercise


Circle the like fractions.





a.   2/7, 4/8, 6/7, 9/7, 5/6

b.   2/9, 5/6, 9/14, 7/9, 6/9

c.   8/14, 7/9, 8/16, 7/17, 4/14



Circle the unlike fractions.



a.   3/21, 8/21, 9/21, 6/7, 8/21

b.   4/28, 8/9, 3/28, 1/28, 5/28

c.   1/12, 7/14, 3/12, 4/12, 5/12



Change unlike fractions into like fractions.


2/9 and 3/6








Compare like fractions.


2/9 and 8/9