Grade 8 Civics - The Union Legislative

The Indian Government

• India has a parliamentary form of Government, both at the central and state level.

• The President of India is the Head of State or Chief Executive.

Parliamentary Form of Government

• It is a system where executive is a part of the legislature and is answerable to the legislature.

• According to the constitution, powers and functions of the government are divided into three branches

  1.  Legislature (makes laws)
  2.  Executive (enforces laws)
  3.  Judiciary (interprets laws)

Distribution of Power between Union and State Leqislatures:-

• The subjects for making laws are divided between Union and State governments.

• The Constitution provides for three lists.

  1.  Union List
  2.  State List
  3.  Concurrent List

• Union List includes matters of national importance on which only Union Parliament can make laws.

• State List includes the matters of regional importance on which the State Legislatures can make laws.

• Concurrent List includes the matters of national and regional importance on which both, the Central and State Legislatures can make laws.

The Union Parliament:-

• Law-making body of the Central Government.

• It has two houses.

  1.  Lok Sabha (House of People)
  2.  Rajya Sabha (Council of States)

• Thus, it is a bicameral legislature.

• President is an integral part of the Parliament.

Lok Sabha (Lower House):-

Composition of Lok Sabha:-

 Maximum strength of 552 members.

• 550 elected members. 

• 2 nominated members

Basic Qualifications of Members of Lok Sabha:-

A member should be,

• A citizen of India

• At least 25 years of age

• A registered voter

Voting by Secret Ballot:-

• For the purpose of elections, the country is divided into constituencies.

• Voting is done through Secret Ballot.

Universal Adult Franchise:-

• Voters must be at least 18 years of age.

 Term of Lok Sabha:-

Lok Sabha is elected for a 5-year term.

Dissolution:- President can dissolve Lok Sabha before the term expires if the party in power loses the support of the majority.

Extension:- Term of Lok Sabha can be extended for 1 year at a time in case of a national emergency.

Presiding Officer of Lok Sabha:-

The Speaker is the presiding officer of Lok Sabha.

Rajya Sabha (Upper House):-

Composition of Rajya Sabha:-

• Maximum strength 250 members

• 238 elected members.

• 12 nominated members.

Basic Qualifications of Members of Rajva Sabha:-

Members of Rajya Sabha should be,

• Citizens of India.

• At least 30 years of age

• Registered voters.

Term of Rajya Sabha:-

• Rajya Sabha is a permanent house.

• It cannot be dissolved by the President.

Presiding officer of Rajya Sabha:-

• Vice-President is the presiding officer or the chairperson of Rajya Sabha.

Functions of Parliament:-

 Law making functions:-

• It can frame new laws and modify the existing laws.

• Money bills are approved by the Parliament.

• It can introduce a bill to amend the constitution.


• It passes budget for every financial year.

 Control over Executive:-

• It has control over Council of Ministers who have to resign if a no-confidence vote is passed against it by the Lok Sabha.

• It can also discuss policies.

 Judicial Functions:-

• It can impeach or remove President, Vice-President and judges of the courts.

 Elective Functions:-

• It plays an important role in election of President and Vice-President.

Sessions of Parliament:-

  • Parliament meets at least twice a year.
  •  Quoram must be present for a session to take place.