Meaning :
Poverty refers to the situation when people are deprived of basic necessities of life like food, clothing and shelter. However, poverty is much more than just not having enough money.
Poverty may be defined as ‘A phenomenon where society is unable to fulfill the basic consumption needs of its people. These minimum requirements include food, clothing, housing, education and basic health facilities.’
Poverty Line:
Poverty line is a cut-off point on the line of distribution, which usually divides the population of the country as poor and non-poor.
The line divides the people in two groups:
- Above PovertyLine
- Below PovertyLine
Types of Poverty:
- AbsolutePoverty
- RelativePoverty
Distinguish between absolute and relative poverty
Basis of Distinction |
Absolute Poverty | Relative Poverty |
It refers to the minimum needs determined for poverty. |
It refers to poverty with respect to different regions or nations. |
2.Number |
It refers to number of people living below poverty line.
It is a comparative study between two nations or societies. It shows comparative poverty. |
3.Measurement |
It can be measured on two basis (a) Calories intake, (b) Monthly Consumption, Expenditure or Income scale. |
It can also be measured on two basis (a) On the basis of comparison and (b) Earning criteria in per capita income. |
Causes of Poverty:
- Rapid Growth of Population
- Illiteracy
- Unemployment and Underemployment
- Inequality of Income and Wealth
- Underdevelopment
- Rise in Prices of Goods
- Social Causes
- Political causes
Measures taken Indian government to eradicate poverty and unemployment in India:
1) Jawahar Rojgar Yojna (JRY):
- To create the infrastructure and durable assets atthe villagelevel.
- To provide sustainable employment to the ruralpoor.
- To increase the productivity ofland.
2) Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna (PKVY):
- Spread the awareness of organic farming amongfarmers.
- Make groups of farmers to increase the adoptionof practice
- Ensure the large coverage of thescheme.
- Provide the farmers financial aid to shift to organicfarming smoothly.