ICSE Grade 9 Biology - Important definitions and Fulforms

DEFINITIONS (2020 - 2021).


1. Cell membrane/ Plasma membrane/ Plasmalemma: Cell membrane is a semi/selectively/ differentially permeable membrane, which allows only certain substances to pass through while preventing others.

2. Cell: Cell is the fundamental, structural and functional unit of life.

3. Centrosome: Centrosome initiates and regulates cell division in an animal cell.

4. Chromatin/Chromatin fibre: Chromatin fibres are thin thread like structures of genetic material distributed in the nucleoplasm.

5. Chromosomes: Chromosomes are highly condensed coiled chromatin fibres distributed in the nucleoplasm.

6. Cytoplasm: Cytoplasm is a colorless, transparent, gel like substance filling the entire cell within the cell membrane and around the nucleus.

7. Cytosol: Cytosol is the part of the cytoplasm other than the organelles constituting mainly the liquid medium in a living cell.

8. Eukaryotic cells: Eukaryotic cells are cells in which double nuclear membrane is present.

9. Multicellular organisms: Living organisms which are made up of millions or billions of cells are called multicellular organisms.

10. Nucleus: Nucleus is the key performer/master/ brain of each cell.

11. Organ: An organ is the collection of tissue system performing some same specific function inside the body.

12. Organelles: Organelles are the specialized membrane bound structures in a cell, with definite shape, structure and functions.

13. Prokaryotic cells: Prokaryotic cells are cells in which nuclear membrane is absent.

14. Protoplasm / Protoplast: Protoplasm/protoplast is a collective term used for the living part of a cell, comprising of cytoplasm, nucleus and all living organelles in it.

15. Unicellular organisms: Living organisms which are made up of a single cell are called unicellular organisms.


16. An Organ: An organ is a collection of tissue system performing some same specific function inside the body.

17. Cell: Cell is the fundamental, structural, and functional unit of life.

18. Matrix: Matrix is a cementing substance which holds tissues together.

19. Organ svstem: Several organs acting together to perform a specific life process constitutes an organ system.

20. Organelle: Organelles are the specialized membrane bound structures in a cell, with definite shape, structure and functions.

21. Organism: Organism is an individual with several organ system working together.

22. Tissues: A tissue is a group of similar cells which performs same specific function.


23. Bisexual flower: A bisexual flower is a flower which contains both stamens and carpels.

24. Unisexual flower: A unisexual flower is a flower which contains only one of the reproductive parts, either a stamen or a carpel.

25. Bract: A bract is a leaf like structure at the base of the pedicle, in the axil of which a flower arises.

26. Diadelphous: Diadelphous flower is a flower whose filaments are united in two bundles and anthers are free.

27. Epipetalous: Epipetalous flower is a flower in which stamens are fused with corolla.

28. Flower: Flowers are seed-bearing structures, containing reproductive organs in a plant body.

29. Incomplete or imperfect flower: Incomplete flower is flower which has one or more floral whorls absent.

30. Complete flower: Complete flower is flower which contains all four whorls.

31. Inflorescence: Inflorescence is the mode of arrangement of flowers on a twig.

32. Monadelphous: Monadelphous flower is a flower whose filaments are united as a single tube and anthers are free.

33. Pistillate/female flower: A pistillate/female flower is a unisexual flower which contains only the carpels as the sex whorl.

34. Placenta: Placenta is a tissue that attaches the ovule to the wall of the ovary.

35. Placentation: Placentation is the arrangement of ovules to the wall of the ovary.

36. Polvadelphous: A Polydelphous flower is a flower in which the filaments are united in several bundles and the anthers are free.

37. Staminate/male flower: A staminate/male flower is a unisexual flower which contains only the stamens as the sex whorl.

38. Svnandrous: A Synandrous flower is a flower in which both anthers and filaments are fused.

39. Syngenesious: A Syngenesious flower is a flower in which the filaments are free and anthers are united.


40. Artificial Pollination: Artificial Pollination is a process of cross pollination

carried out to develop new hybrids with desired characters.

41. Cross - pollination: Cross pollination is the process of transfer of pollen grains from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower on a different plant of the same species (allogamy).

42. Double fertilization: Double fertilization is the process of fusion of two male nuclei with different female nuclei in a plant embryo to form zygote and endosperm.

43. Fertilization: Fertilization is the process of union/fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.

44. Pollination: Pollination is the process of transfer of pollens from the anther to the stigma of a flower.

45. Self-pollination: Self-pollination is the process of transfer of pollen grains from the anthers to the stigma of the same flower (autogamy) or to
stigma of another flower on same plant (geitonogamy).

46. Triple fusion: Triple fusion is the process of fusion of a male gamete with secondary nucleus containing two polar nuclei.


47. Albuminous/Endospermic: Albuminous/Endospermic seeds are seeds which contain endosperm.

48. Dicotyledonous: Dicotyledonous seeds are seed which contains two cotyledons.

49. Dormancy: Dormancy is a stage in which a seed fails to germinate due to its ongoing internal morphological changes, inspite of favorable environmental conditions being present.

50. Dormant seed: A dormant seed is a newly formed seediio embryo matures, tissue differentiation occurs and all physiological activity slows down, until favorable environmental conation arises.

51. Embryo: Embryo is an early stage of develop

52. Endosperm: Endosperm is a nutritive tissue that surrounds an embryo. 

53. Epigeal germination: Epigeal germination is a type of germination in plants where cotyledons are pushed above the ground.

54. Exalbuminous/Non-Endospermic : Exalbuminous/Non endospermic seeds are seeds which do not contain endosperm.

55. Fruit: A fruit is a containing the seed.

56. Germination: Germination is the process of development of an embryo into a seedling.

57. Grains: Grains are one seeded fruit.

58. Hypogeal germination: Hypogeal germination is type of a germination in plants where cotyledons remain underground.

59. Monocotyledonous: Seeds which contain one cotyledon.

60. Seedling: Seedling is a stage in the growth of a plant from a seed before it becomes fully independent and starts making its own food.

61. sWfct A seed is a fertilized matured ovule enclosing an embryonic plant.

62. Vivipary: Vivipary is a type of germination in which the seeds inside the fruit germinates while still attached to the parent plant.


63. Aerobes: Aerobes are organisms that respires aerobically.

64. Aerobic or Oxvbiotic respiration in plants: Aerobic respiration is a catabolic process of releasing energy from complete oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) with the formation of carbondioxide and water as end products.

65. Anabolism: Anabolism is a constructive or biosynthetic processes, in which energy is consumed.

66. Anaerobes: Anaerobes are organisms that respires anaerobically.

67. Anaerobic or anoxybiotic respiration in plants: Anaerobic respiration is a catabolic process of releasing little energy from incomplete oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) with the formation of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and carbon dioxide as end products.

68. Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATPL Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP) is a chemical compound which is an immediate source of energy for all activities within a living cell.

69. Catabolism: Catabolism is a destructive or breaking down biological process, in which energy is released.

70. Respiration: It is a catabolic process of releasing energy from oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) for carrying out life processes.


71. Antibiotics: Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by some organisms which can kill or inhibit the growth of other organisms.

72. Antitoxin: Antitoxins are specialized antibodies, which neutralizes/detoxifies the poisonous effect of toxins of pathogens.

73. Bacteria: Bacteria are microscopic flowerless plants which belongs to kingdom Monera and Protista.

74. Bioweapons: Bio weapons are harmful biological agents (pathogens or their toxins) used as a weapons of war.

75. Botulism: Botulism is a severe condition of food poisoning caused by clostrdium botulinum in tinned and sealed foods.

76. Decay: Decay is an aerobic process of complete breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms, without giving out foul smell.

77. Denitrification: Denitrification is the process of converting nitrates to free nitrogen by denitrifying bacteria.

78. Fermentation: Fermentation is the anaerobic process of complete breakdown of glucose to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide by microorganisms.

79. Germ Bomb: Germ bomb is a collection of living disease germs such as Anthrax bacteria, which releases on explosion causing an epidemic
resulting in widespread death generation after generation.

80. Nitrification: Nitrification is the process of converting ammonia to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria.

81. Nitrogen cycle: Nitrogen cycle is the cyclic pathway in which free nitrogen circulates through the living and non-living components of the biosphere.

82. Nitrogen fixation: Nitrogen fixation is the process of converting free nitrogen to nitrates by nitrogen fixing bacteria.

83. Pasteurization: Pasteurization is a process in which milk or juices are treated with a temperature of less than 100°C, to kill microorganism.

84. Prophvlaxis: Prophylaxis is a treatment given to prevent occurrence of a disease. Ex: vaccination

85. Putrefaction: Putrefaction is an aerobic process of incomplete breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms, giving out foul smell.

86. Serum: Serum is blood plasma (without fibrinogen), containing substances like anti-bodies, anti-toxins, etc.

87. Sterilization: Sterilization is a process that eliminates all forms of life from a specific region, by heating or with chemicals.

88. Toxins: Toxins are poisonous proteins released by pathogenic bacteria.

89. Toxoids: Toxoids are inactivated toxins of a particular bacteria, which can stimulate the production of antibodies against disease and produce immunity.

90. Vaccination: Vaccination is a prophylactic process of artificially introducing vaccine into a living body for developing immunity against a
specific disease.

91. Vaccine: Vaccine is the preparation of dead or weakened germs or germ substance introduced into a living body to develop immunity.


92. Fermentation: Fermentation is an anaerobic process of complete breakdown of glucose to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide by microorganisms.

93. Fungi: Fungi is a type of kingdom in which the organisms are unicellular and multicellular with heterotopic mode of nutrition.

94. Leavening: Leavening is a process in which the flour dough increases in volume due to production of carbon dioxide.

95. Mushroom house: Mushroom house is a special chamber used for cultivation of mushrooms.

96. Parasite: A parasite is a living organism which draws its nourishment from the body of a living host.

97. Saprophyte: A saprophyte is a living organism which draws its nourishment from dead or decaying organic matter 


98. Appetite: Appetite means the desire to eat.

99. Autotrophic, Autotrophs or Producers: Autotrophs are organisms which prepares their own food.

100. Balanced diet: A balanced diet is one which contains all the principal nutrients of food in proper proportion for normal functioning of the body.

101. Calorie: A galorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

102. Cellulose or Roughage: Roughage is the indigestible portion of food mainly consisting of cellulose.

103. Diet: Diet is the combination of food items which we eat in our meals.

104. Food: Food is any substance which we eat or drink, and which contains the nutrients.

105. Heterotrophic/ Heterotrophs: Heterotrophs are organisms which obtain readymade food from other organisms.

106. Hunger: Hunger is an uneasy sensation due to lack of food.

107. Hvper vitaminosis: Hyper vitaminosis is a condition in which excess of fat soluble vitamins get accumulated in the body leading to toxicity.

108. Malnutrition: Malnutrition is the condition in which a person suffers due to lack or deficiency of one or more essential nutrients of food.

109. Meal: Meal is the food taken at one time to satisfy appetite.

110. Nutrients: Nutrients are all essential organic and inorganic chemical compounds that provides nutrition to the body.

111. Nutrition: Nutrition is a process of providing food necessary for health and growth.

112. Vitamins: Vitamins are organic micro nutrients.


113. Alimentary canal: The alimentary canal is the passage through which the food travels from mouth to anus during digestion.

114. Assimilation: Assimilation is the process of conversion of digested and absorbed food into body material.

115. Basal metabolic rate: Basal metabolic rate is the rate of using energy at rest to perform all vital functions ofthe body.

116. Calorie: A calorie is the amount of heat required tofaise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

117. Chyme: Chyme is the pulp like partially digested food formed in the Stomach.

118. Deamination: Deamination is the process of breakdown or removal of an amino group from an amino acid or other compound by the liver.

119. Defecation: Defecation is the process of expulsion of faeces from the alimentary canal, out of the body.

120. Dentition: Dentition is the characteristic arrangement of teeth in an animal.

121. Detoxification: Detoxification is a process in which the liver ingests and breaks down toxic metabolic wastes and substances including drugs and alcohol form the body.

122. Digestion: Digestion is a catabolic (mechanical and chemical) process of  converting complex organic compounds to simple absorbable molecules by the blood with the action of enzymes.

123. Digestive glands: Digestive glands are glands which secretes digestive juices to aid digestion.

124. Diphvodont: Diphyodont is a category of animals with two sets of teeth appearing in their life time.

125. Enzvme: Enzymes are macromolecular biological catalyst.

126. Faeces: Faeces is a soft solid waste formed in the large intestine by absorbing the water from undigested food.

127. Heterodont: Heterodont is a category of animals having different types of teeth to perform different functions.

128. Milk teeth: Milk teeth are the first set of teeth in humans.

129. Mucus: Mucus is slimy fluid secreted through all the regions of the alimentary canal to lubricate for smooth passing of the food. 

130. Omnivore: Omnivore is a category of animals that eat plant or other animals for their food. 

131. Peristalsis: Peristalsis is the wave of constriction caused by the circular muscles of the alimentary canal to push the food forward.

132. Pylorus: Pylorus is an opening of the stomach into the duodenum.

133. Regurgitation: Regurgitation is the backward movement of the undigested food to the mouth without the force and displeasure associated with vomiting.

134. Sphincter muscle: Sphincter is a circular muscle that maintains constriction of body passages and relaxes to open as required.

135. Urea: Urea is a toxic by product generated in the deamination process by the liver and sent to kidneys for excretion.

136. Vomiting/Antiperistalsis: Vomiting/Antiperistalsis is a reverse wave of muscular contraction^caused due to overload or infection throwing the contents out through the mouth.

137. Wisdom tooth: Wisdom tooth is the last molar on each side in each human jaw.


138. Bone: Bone is a highly calcified, hard and rigid connective tissue.

139. Cartilage: Cartilage is a resilient and smooth elastic supportive and connective tissue.

140. Floating rib: Floating ribs are the last two pairs of ribs ie 11th and 12th pairs, which are not attached to the sternum.

141. Joint: A joint is a strong connection point between two or more bones to articulate free movement of the body part.

142. Ligament: Ligament is a yellow band of flexible connective tissues, which joins bones together.

143. Muscles: A muscle is a body tissue that contracts and relaxes to produce body movement.

144. Skeletal svstem: Skeletal system is a body system composed of skeleton and fibrous connective tissues (ligaments, tendons, etc.) forming the supporting framework of the body.

145. Skeleton: Skeleton is a framework of bone and cartilage supporting the body.

146. Synovial capsule: Synovial capsule is a tough capsule enclosing the entire joint of the body.

147. Synovial cavitv: Synovial cavity is a cavity in which the joint is placed.

148. Synovial fluid: Synovial fluid is the sticky lubricating fluid which fills the synovial cavity.

149. Skull: Skull is the skeletal structure of the head, supporting the face and protecting the brain.

150. Tendon: Tendons are white parallel bands of tough fibrous connective tissues which joins muscle to bone.

151. True rib: True ribs are the firet seven pairs of ribs attached to the sternum or breast bone with the help of a hyaline cartilage.

152. Hyoid or Visceral skeleton or tongue bone: Hyoid is a horseshoe shaped bone which lies at the base of the tongue just above the larynx.

153. Vertebrae: Vertebrae are 33 small ring like bony pieces forming the vertebral column. 


154. Acne: Acne is a condition in which the sebaceous glands get inflamed/infected due to hormonal influence in adolescents.

155. Albinism: Albinism is a condition in which there is complete loss of pigmentation of the skin all over the body including hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and iris.

156. Black head/comedons: Black head/comedons is a condition in which the sebum gets oxidized with melanin to produce black accumulation on the skin.

157. Heat /sun stroke: Heat/sun stroke is a condition in which sweat production is unable to keep pace with its evaporation in very hot winds.

158. Leucoderma: Leucoderma is a condition in which skin pigmentation(melanin) is lost from some regions of the skin forming smaller or larger white patches.

159. Nails: Nails are hard keratinous plate like structures made of dead cells growing from the nail root.

160. Piloerection/ Pilomotor reflex/ Goose bumps/ Goose pimples: Piloerection is a conditioned reflex action developed by animals on the skin surface under stress like: cold, fear, etc.

161. Pimple: Pimple is a boil caused due to bacterial growth in the highly nutritive sebum accumulation on the skin.

162. Skin: Skin is the outer most covering of an animal body.

163. Sweating/perspiration: Sweating/perspiration is the process of producing sweat.

164. Vasoconstriction: Vasoconstriction is a condition in which blood capillaries of the skin constricts due to cold weather.

165. Vasodilation: Vasodilation is a condition in which blood capillaries of the skin dilates due hot weather.


166. Adenosine triphosphate {ATPk Adenosine tri phosphate is a chemical compound that provides energy to carry out life processes.

167. Aerobic (Oxvbiotic) Respiration: Aerobic respiration is a catabolic process of releasing energy from complete oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) with the formation of carbon dioxide and water as
end products.

168. Alveolar air: The volume of tidal air contained in alveoli (350mL).

169. Alveoli: Alveoli are a cluster of tiny air chambers present in the lungs are called alveoli.

170. Anaerobic or anoxybiotic respiration: (for Plants and animals both together}: Anaerobic respiration is a catabolic process of releasing little energy from incomplete oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) with the formation of lactic acid in animals and ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide in plants as the end products.

171. Anaerobic respiration in animals: Anaerobic respiration is a catabolic process of releasing little energy from incomplete oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) with the formation of lactic acid as end product.

172. Anaerobic respiration in plants: Anaerobic respiration is a catabolic process of releasing little energy from incomplete oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) with the formation of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and carbon dioxide as end products.

173. Asphyxiation: Asphyxiation is a condition in which the blood becomes more venous by accumulation of more carbon dioxide orthe oxygen supply is diminished.

174. Breathing/External Respiration: Breathing/ external respiration is a physical process which involves inhalation and exhalation.

175. Bronchioles: Bronchioles are air passages that branches off from bronchi.

176. Cellular respiration: Cellular respiration is a catabolic process of releasing energy from oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) within the cells of an organisms.

177. Dead air space: Dead space air is the volume of tidal air that remains in the respiratory passages and does not participate in gaseous exchange


178. Diaphragm: Diaphragm is a muscular sheet, which controls the breathing movements of the lungs.

179. Epiglottis: Epiglottis is a cartilaginous flap behind the tongue that prevents the entry of food into the trachea.

180. Expiratory reserve volume: Expiratory reserve volume is the volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after normal expiration (lOOOmL).

181. Hypoxia: Hypoxia is a condition caused due to deficiency of oxygen in the body tissues.

182. Inspiratory capacity: Inspiratory capacity is the total volume of air a person can breathe in, after normal expiration (3500mL).

183. Inspiratory reserve volume: Inspiratory reserve volume is the total volume of air that can be forcibly inhaled to complement the tidal air (3000mL).

184. Breathing: Breathing is the process by which air is drawn in from the atmosphere into the lungs and forced out from the lungs back into the atmosphere.

185. Oxygen-debt: Oxygen debt is a condition in which lactic acid gets accumulated causing muscular fatigue and aches during anaerobic respiration.

186. Pleural cavitv: Pleural cavity is the space between the pleural membranes of the lungs.

187. Pleural fluid: The pleural fluid is the watery fluid present in the pleural cavity of the lungs.

188. Residual volume: Residual volume is the volume of air left in the lungs after maximum expiration (1500ml).

189. Respiration: Respiration is a catabolic process of releasing energy from oxidation of glucose and other organic molecules (enzymes) for carrying out life processes. 

190. Respiratory System in Humans: Respiratory system is the system of human body which produces energy needed for life processes.

191. Speech: Speech (specialty of human species) consists of words or syllables given to the voice by the complex movements of lips, cheeks, tongue and jaws.

192. Tidal volume: Tidal volume is the volume of air inhaled and exhaled in normal breathing (500ml).

193. Tissue respiration: Tissue respiration is a process of gaseous exchange between blood and tissue.

194. Total lung capacity: Total lung capacity is the maximum air which is held in both the lungs at any time (6000ml).

195. Voice: Voice is the sound produced in animals by the vocal cords of the Larynx.

196. Vital capacity: Vital capacity of the lungs is the volume of air that can be inhaled and exhaled by maximum inspiration and expiration (4500mL).


1. ADP -Adenosine Di Phosphate.

2. ATP -Adenosine Tri Phosphate.

3. DNA -Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

4. RBC -Red Blood Cells.

5. RNA -Ribo Nucleic Acid.

6. WBC -White Blood Cells.