What are Compound Words ?
Compound words are words formed when two or more words are put together to form a new word with a new meaning.
2. dog + house = doghouse
3. rain + drop = raindrop
4. cup + cake = cupcake
5. paint + brush = paintbrush
6. pop + corn = popcorn
7. note + book = notebook
8. sun + light = sunlight
9. butter + fly = butterfly
10. key + board = keyboard
11. foot + print = footprint
12. life + guard = lifeguard
13. after + noon = afternoon
14. back + pack = backpack
15. air + plane = airplane
16. bed + room =bedroom
17. black + board = blackboard
18. tooth + paste = toothpaste
19. eye + brows = eyebrows
20. toy + shop = toyshop
21. hand + bag = handbag
22. snow + man = snowman
23. rain + coat = raincoat
24. ear + ring = earring
25. cat + fish = catfish
26. house + fly = housefly
27. lady + bug =ladybug
28. sea + horse = seahorse
29. silk + worm = silkworm
30. space + ship = spaceship
Practice Exercise
QA) Find the two words that make each compound word.1. __________ + __________ = basketball
2. __________ + __________ = doghouse
3. __________ + __________ = raindrop
4. __________ + __________ = cupcake
5. __________ + __________ = paintbrush
6. __________ + __________ = popcorn
7. __________ + __________ = notebook
8. __________ + __________ = sunlight
9. __________ + __________ = butterfly
10. __________ + __________ = keyboard
11. __________ + __________ = footprint
12. __________ + __________ = lifeguard
13. __________ + __________ = afternoon
QB) Put two words together to make compound words.
1. back + pack = ________________
2. air + plane = ________________
3. bed + room =________________
4. black + board = ________________
5. tooth + paste = ________________
6. eye + brows = ________________
7. toy + shop = ________________
8. hand + bag = ________________
9. snow + man = ________________
10. rain + coat = ________________
11. ear + ring = ________________
12. cat + fish = ________________
13. house + fly = ________________