Prepositions - Concept and Practice Worksheets

What are Prepositions ?

Look at the picture and read the sentences given below.

The box is on the table.

The cat is under the table.

Fruits are in the basket.

The boy is behind the tree.

The girl is standing next to the computer table.

They are standing in front of the blackboard.

Sheep are jumping over the fence.

Underlined words here in the above sentences tell us about the position or direction of something.

The word that shows the relationship between noun / pronoun and other word in the sentence is called preposition.

 For example: on, in, in front of etc.

Preposition are also known as Position Words.

Commonly Used Prepositions with Meanings and Examples.

1) “On” is used to state surface of something.

Example: The red pen is on the desk.

2) “In” is used to indicate within or inside anything.

Example: I kept all the toys in the box.

3) “Under” is used to indicate something exactly below it. '

Example: Pen is lying under the bed.

4) “Next to” is used to point out position right beside somebody or something.

 Example: Dia is sitting next to Ria.

5) “Behind” is used to point something at or toward the back of something. 

Example: Who is standing behind Ria?

6) “In front of” is used to indicate position just ahead of something or somebody. 

Example: Box is in front of the table.

7) “Over” is used indicate something extending directly upwards from something. 

Example: Kite is flying over the tree.

Prepositions - Practice Worksheets

Q1) Fill in the blanks with in, under, in front of, over, on, next to, behind:

a. There is a rabbit _______the picture.

b. The boy is sitting _________the chair.

c. Ria is _________the room.

d. The pencil is ________her hand.

e. My friend lives __________Delhi.

f. I have no money ________my purse.

g. The cat is sitting __________the floor.

h. We live ______the tenth floor.

i. Set the mats ________the table.

j. An old lady is sitting ____________the tree.

k. There is a tree _____________ the house.

l. Sita is sitting _____________Rita.

m. Tom is hiding _______________the box.

n. Mangoes are __________the basket.

o. The purse is lying _____________the table.

Q2) Fill in the blanks with in, under, in front of, over, on, next to, behind:

a. The air plane flew ___________the building.

b. The boy is sitting _______________the black board.

c. Dia is sitting ____________Ria.

d. Ravi is standing ___________Avinash.

e. Pencil is kept _______________ the book.

f. My friend’s house is ____________my house.

g. The cat is ___________the tree.

h. Don’t stand _______________the desk.

i. The whale is __________the water.

j. There is a bank ________________my house.

k. Dog is __________the mat.

l. Toffees are __________the jar.

m. The crow is flying ___________the tree.

n. The mouse is hiding ____________the can.

o. The painting is __________the wall.