Different Animals produce different sounds e.g. cat Meows and Dog barks – these are the very common examples but there are hundreds and thousands of animals in the world. We are going to cover some of the very common animals and their sounds they produce.
Animals and Their Sounds
This is a list of vocabulary related to sounds of animals
Animals | Sounds |
Apes | gibber |
Bats | screech |
Bears | growl |
Bees | hum and buzz |
Birds | chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle |
Calves | bleat |
Camels | grunt |
Cats | mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl |
Cattle | moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull) |
Chicks | cheep |
Chickens | cluck, cackle |
Cocks | crow |
Cows | low, moo |
Crickets | chirp, creak |
Crows | caw |
Deers | bell |
Dogs | bark |
Dolphins | click |
Donkeys | bray |
Doves | coo |
Ducks | quack |
Eagles | scream |
Elephants | trumpet, roar |
Flies | buzz, hum |
Foxes | bark, yelp, simper |
Frogs | croak |
Giraffes | bleat |
Goats | bleat |
Geese | cackle, quack |
Grasshoppers | chirp |
Hamsters | squeak |
Hares | squeak |
Hens | cackle, cluck |
Humans | whisper, whistle, cry, scream, sing, talk |
Hogs | grunt |
Horses | neigh, snort, whinny, nicker |
Hummingbirds | hum |
Hyenas | laugh, scream |
Jackals | howl |
Kangaroos | chortle |
Koalas | scream, bellow, wail |
Lambs | bleat |
Larks | sing, warble |
Lions | roar, growl |
Mice | squeak and squeal |
Monkeys | chatter, gibber, whoop, screech |
Mosquitoes | whine |
Nightingales | pipe, sing, warble |
Ostriches | chirp, bark, hiss, low hum |
Owls | hoot, scream, screech, shriek |
Oxen | bellow, low |
Parrots | talk, screech, squawk |
Peacocks | scream |
Pigs | snort, grunt, squeal, oink |
Pigeons | coo |
Rabbits | squeak, drum |
Rats | squeak |
Ravens | croak |
Rhinoceros | bellow |
Rooster | crow |
Seagulls | scream, squawk |
Seals | bark |
Sheep | bleat |
Snakes | hiss |
Tigers | growl, roar |
Turkeys | gobble |
Vultures | scream |
Whales | sing |
Wolves | howl, cry, yell |
Zebras | whinny |