Ch - The Environment

 I. Complete the following-

1. Farmers use chemicals to ______________________.

2. Air pollution increases the level ___________________.

3. Pollution is a big __________________.

4. We, the human beings are the only living things who ____________________

5. Efforts to control pollution of air ____________________.

II. Give two examples of each of the following:-

1. Natural sources of energy

____________________ __________________

2. Diseases caused by noise

____________________ __________________

3. Diseases caused by drinking polluted water

____________________ __________________

4. Diseased caused by air pollution

____________________ __________________

5. Non–living things that are a part of the environment

____________________ __________________

6. Sources of air pollution

____________________ __________________

Answer the following questions-

1. What is pollution? What are the different kinds of pollution?

Ans. __________________________________________________

2. Which human activities are damaging the environment?

Ans. __________________________________________________

3. What are the main causes of water pollution?

Ans. __________________________________________________

4. What is acid rain?

Ans. __________________________________________________

5. How can we reduce air pollution?

Ans. __________________________________________________

6. What are natural resources? give some examples.

Ans. __________________________________________________

7. What is environment?

Ans. __________________________________________________

8. What is global warming?

Ans. __________________________________________________

9. Which layer protects us from sun’s ultraviolet rays?

Ans. __________________________________________________

10.How do ultraviolet rays harm us?

Ans. __________________________________________________