Homophones Practice Worksheets

Q) Select the suitable homophones from the bracket to make a meaningful sentence

1. Her shoes are [two/too] small.

2. He has [two/too] dogs.

3. The Earth orbits around the [son/sun].

4. Their [son/sun] is an only child.

5. The [son/sun] was shining through the window.

6. She [new/knew] how to speak Spanish.

7. He started a [new/knew] job on Monday.

8. He held the railing as he walked down the [stairs/stares].

9. The cat sits in the window and [stairs/stares] at the squirrel.

10. I can [sea/see] the mountains in the distance.

11. Fishermen make their living from the [sea/see].

12. I'll [sea/see] you at the meeting next week.

13. The [sea/see] wall protected the village from the waves.

14. The actors had to shoot the [scene/seen] three times.

15. The cat was last [scene/seen] in the backyard.

16. The crime [scene/seen] was surrounded by yellow tape.

17. Have you [scene/seen] my keys?

18. It's going to rain today [weather/whether] you like it or not.

19. The [weather/whether] on the weekend is supposed to be sunny.

20. The final cost depends on [weather/whether] you choose the small or the large size.

21. The tree [blue/blew] over in the storm.

22. We painted the ceiling [blue/blew].

23. The snowstorm will [affect/effect] thousands of travelers.

24. The [affect/effect] of the changes was unexpected.

25. At the grocery store, coffee is in the same [aisle/isle] as tea.

26. Thousands of seabirds nest on the small [aisle/isle].

27. They weren't [allowed/aloud] to take their dog into the store.

28. The teacher read the instructions [allowed/aloud] to the students.

29. The day was warm, so the students [ate/eight] their lunch outside.

30. She works for [ate/eight] hours every weekday.

31. The dog chased the [ball/bawl] into the neighbor's yard.

32. That movie is so sad; the ending always makes me [ball/bawl].

33. The children [bear/bare] a resemblance to their grandfather.

34. After the sale, the store's shelves were almost [bear/bare].

35. The tourists sat at the [base/bass] of the statue.

36. She plays [base/bass] clarinet in the orchestra.

37. The contractors [billed/build] the company for travel expenses.

38. We want to [billed/build] a new shed in the garden.

39. She [blew/blue] out the candle and went to sleep.

40. He signed the document in [blew/blue] ink.

41. He chopped the onions on the cutting [board/bored].

42. She was [board/bored] because she didn't have any work to do.

43. If you drop your phone, you might [break/brake] it.

44. He had to [break/brake] suddenly to avoid hitting the deer.

45. I [buy/by] most of my books online.

46. I drive [buy/by] the park on my way to work.

47. Seoul is the [capital/capitol] of South Korea.

48. The [capital/capitol] building was built in 1878.

49. The students studied a diagram of a plant [cell/sell].

50. They [cell/sell] postage stamps at the corner store.

51. You can't buy anything with one [cent/sent/scent] anymore.

52. The flowers have a very strong [cent/sent/scent].

53. The doctor [cent/sent/scent] his patient to a specialist.

54. You get only one [chance/chants] to pass the test.

55. The singers practiced their [chance/chants] before the service.

56. Their dog [chews/choose] on the furniture

57. The teacher let the students [chews/choose] their essay topics.

58. Remember to [close/clothes] the windows before you leave.

59. She hung up the [close/clothes] in the closet.

60. He sanded the wood with [coarse/course] sandpaper.

61. He's taking a [coarse/course] in marketing.

62. The stairs [creak/creek] in my house.

63. The [creak/creek] floods every spring.

64. Your parcel should arrive in three [days/daze].

65. I had to get up early, so I've been in a [days/daze] all morning.

66. She's such a [dear/deer] friend.

67. The [dear/deer] ate all the lettuce in the garden.

68. His shoes were soaked from walking through the [dew/do/due].

69. I have to [dew/do/due] my taxes this weekend.

70. My history assignment is [dew/do/due] on Wednesday.

71. Make your decision based on [facts/fax].

72. The printer is also a [facts/fax] machine.

73. He is a very honest and [fair/fare] man.

74. The subway [fair/fare] is going up next week.

75. I can't [find/fined] my wallet!

76. She was [find/fined] for driving over the speed limit.

77. The [flower/flour] has red petals.

78. Add more [flower/flour] if the dough is too sticky.

79. The cake is [for/four] her birthday.

80. Our neighbors have [for/four] children.

81. Richard Dawkins wrote the [foreword/forward] to the second edition of the book.

82. He released the brake, and the tractor slowly moved [foreword/forward].

83. The [gene/jean] for red hair is recessive.

84. The bag is made from [gene/jean] fabric.

85. Don't forget to [grease/Greece] the cake pan.

86. Sophocles was a tragedian from Ancient [grease/Greece].

87. The comedian's jokes are so bad that audiences usually [groan/grown] instead of laugh.

88. A fully [groan/grown] Chihuahua weighs less than the average house cat.

89. She cuts her [hair/hare] short in the summer.

90. A [hair/hare] often visits the garden behind the house.

91. The loft is filled with [hay/hey] for the winter.

92. [Hay/Hey]! Stop! Thief!

93. If properly treated, the wound should [heal/heel] within a few weeks.

94. My new shoes gave me a blister on my right [heal/heel].

95. I can't [hear/here] what he's saying.

96. They'll be [hear/here] tomorrow.

97. Say [hi/high] to Sarah for me.

98. The shelf is too [hi/high] for me to reach.

99. After the concert, his voice was [hoarse/horse] from cheering.

100. We keep a [hoarse/horse], two cows, and six chickens.

101. The water leaked in through a [hole/whole] in the roof.

102. I read the [hole/whole] book over the weekend.

103. Their appointment lasted for almost an [hour/our].

104. We're visiting [hour/our] grandparents on the weekend.

105. The medieval [knight/night] was known for his horsemanship.

106. Raccoons are more active at [knight/night].

107. Hold on, I've got a [knot/naught/not] in my shoelace.

108. In the end, our efforts were all for [knot/naught/not].

109. I'm [knot/naught/not] going to work today.

110. Do you [know/no] how to speak Spanish?

111. There's [know/no] water in the swimming pool.

112. We [leased/least] the apartment for the summer.

113. The early morning flight is the [leased/least] expensive.

114. You have to repay the [loan/lone] by the end of the month.

115. He is the [loan/lone] occupant of the building.

116. I [made/maid] fresh coffee if you'd like some.

117. They hired a [made/maid] to clean the house.

118. I'll [mail/male] you the invoice.

119. A [mail/male] deer is called a buck.

120. They plan to [marry/merry] in the spring.

121. The band played a [marry/merry] tune.

122. The pasta is served with a [meat/meet] sauce.

123. She plans to [meat/meet] him at the airport.

124. After dicing the onion, [mince/mints] the garlic.

125. The waiter gave the diners some complimentary [mince/mints].

126. I slept in and [missed/mist] the bus!

127. The rain slowed down and became a light [missed/mist].

128. I have to work in the [morning/mourning], but I'm free in the afternoon.

129. The family were in [morning/mourning] for a month.

130. [None/Nun] of the witnesses could identify the suspect.

131. At age 25, she took her vows and became a [none/nun].

132. Each passenger is allowed [one/won] piece of carry-on luggage.

133. The candidate [one/won] the vote by a narrow margin.

134. We collected the clams in a plastic [pail/pale].

135. Are you all right? You look [pail/pale].

136. The house has a [pear/pair] tree in the backyard.

137. I need to buy a new [pear/pair] of gloves.

138. Training your dog requires a lot of [patience/patients].

139. The doctor is accepting new [patience/patients].

140. Would you like a [piece/peace] of cake?

141. I escaped to the library for some [piece/peace] and quiet.

142. Print your essay on [plain/plane] white paper.

143. The [plain/plane] circled the airport and prepared for landing.

144. If the [rain/reign] continues, the river might flood.

145. My great-grandfather was born during the [rain/reign] of Queen Victoria.

146. I [read/red] that book in one sitting!

147. The [read/red] dress is my favorite.

148. Drive two blocks and turn [right/write] at the traffic lights.

149. I try to [right/write] in my journal every day.

150. The [road/rode] is closed for repairs.

151. I [road/rode] my bike to work this morning.

152. Wear leather gloves when pruning the [rose/rows] bush.

153. The table has twenty [rose/rows] and five columns.

154. We watched the balloon [sail/sale] away on the breeze.

155. When I bought my tablet, it was on [sail/sale].

156. The film's director decided to reshoot the [scene/seen].

157. The children had never [scene/seen] snow before.

158. My parents moved to a small house by the [sea/see].

159. I can't wait to [sea/see] her new movie!

160. My grandmother taught me how to [sew/so] my own clothes.

161. It's [sew/so] cold outside!

162. She was the [sole/soul] passenger on the bus.

163. Some say brevity is the [sole/soul] of wit.

164. Their [son/sun] is a dentist.

165. I like to hang my laundry outside in the [son/sun] to dry.

166. Watch your step—the third [stair/stare] has a broken tread.

167. If you [stair/stare] at the optical illusion, the circles appear to be moving.

168. I watched the crow [steal/steel] food from the picnickers.

169. Many skyscrapers have [steal/steel] frames.

170. We bought a three-piece [suite/sweet] for the living room.

171. The dessert was too [suite/sweet] for my tastes.

172. They took [their/there] grandchildren to the zoo.

173. Are [their/there] any volunteers?

174. He [threw/through] the wrapper into the garbage.

175. We drove [threw/through] a thunderstorm on the way here.

176. I'm going [to/too/two] university in the fall.

177. She wants one [to/too/two].

178. We have [to/too/two] cats and a dog.

179. Try to [vary/very] your routine to avoid boredom.

180. The investigator was [vary/very] thorough.

181. The dress is too tight around the [waist/waste].

182. Don't leave the tap running and [waist/waste] water.

183. Please [wait/weight] behind the line.

184. The bulk store sells food by [wait/weight].

185. He enlisted in the army and went to [war/wore] when he was only eighteen.

186. I [war/wore] my new shoes today.

187. I usually [wear/where] boots when I go hiking.

188. Do you know [wear/where] the library is?

189. I'm recovering from the flu, and I still feel [weak/week].

190. Your parcel should arrive next [weak/week].

191. In the summer, the [weather/whether] can be very hot around here.

192. I don't know [weather/whether] to laugh or cry.

193. [Which/Witch] brand do you recommend?

194. You dress up as a [which/witch] every Halloween!

195. We installed [wood/would] flooring throughout our house.

196. He [wood/would] prefer to speak with you in person.

197. [There/Their/They're] isn't time to waste!

198. After recess, the students returned to [there/their/they're] desks.

199. I wonder where [there/their/they're] going.

200. If [you're/your] busy, I can come back later.

201. What is [you're/your] last name?

202. The courier left the parcel [by/buy/bye] the front door.

203. I'll [by/buy/bye] lunch today.

204. OK, [by/buy/bye]! I'll see you later!

205. The rabbit remained [stationary/stationery] to avoid being seen.

206. She wrote thank-you letters on personalized [stationary/stationery].

207. Many restaurants serve [complimentary/complementary] bread with the meal.

208. In the logo, the blue contrasts well with its [complimentary/complementary] color, yellow.

209. You'll have to [brake/break] hard when you go down the hill.

210. Don't try to force the window open, or you might [brake/break] it.

211. The doctor prescribed her a [course/coarse] of antibiotics.

212. The dog's fur is very thick and [course/coarse].

213. It was a beautiful day, so I [ate/eight] my lunch in the park.

214. As its name suggests, the octopus has [ate/eight] arms.

215. It's too cold for [bare/bear] legs today.

216. In the summer, the [bare/bear] eats a lot of berries.

217. I'm saving up to [buy/by/bye] a new laptop.

218. This song was written [buy/by/bye] John Lennon.

219. [Buy/By/Bye]! I'll see you tomorrow!

220. The prisoner banged his cup against the bars of his [cell/sell] .

221. I'm going to [cell/sell] my old laptop online.

222. The dog's paws were wet from the [dew/do/due] on the lawn.

223. What should I [dew/do/due] if the power goes out?

224. I'm stressed out! I have another assignment [dew/do/due] tomorrow.

225. The wind gusted, and a speck of dirt blew into my [eye/I].

226. [Eye/I] can't remember my password!

227. I played the [fairy/ferry] Cobweb in A Midsummer's Night Dream.

228. The [fairy/ferry] doesn't run in bad weather, leaving the islanders cut off from the mainland.

229. The recipe calls for two cups of [flour/flower].

230. The plant's [flour/flower] is small but strongly scented.

231. We're still waiting [for/four] Anne to arrive.

232. Many mammals walk on all [for/four] legs.

233. You'll have to speak louder; I can't [hear/here] what you're saying.

234. Is everybody [hear/here]?

235. You have exactly one [hour/our] to complete the exam.

236. We hired a professional to paint [hour/our] house.

237. Do you [know/no] how to swim?

238. The old house has [know/no] central heating.

239. When I was a kid, I used to pretend to be a [knight/night] in King Arthur's court.

240. My cat likes to run around the house at [knight/night] when I'm sleeping.

241. Your invitation will be sent by [mail/male].

242. If you want to have two cats, a [mail/male] and a female will usually get along.

243. I'm not sure if I want to [marry/merry] him.

244. She sent a present to wish her grandmother a [marry/merry] Christmas.

245. I try to eat less [meat/meet] and more vegetables.

246. Tomorrow, I have to [meat/meet] with the new manager.

247. Human cells have 23 [pairs/pears] of chromosomes.

248. I'm making poached [pairs/pears] for dessert.

249. Am I doing this the [right/write] way?

250. I [right/write] a weekly column for the local newspaper.

251. Eagles have excellent vision and often hunt their prey by [sight/site].

252. The construction [sight/site] was surrounded by a chain link fence.

253. My sister has one [son/sun] and two daughters.

254. Many traffic accidents occur when drivers are blinded by [son/sun] glare.

255. The travelers waited to collect [their/there/they're] luggage.

256. Why do we have to go [their/there/they're]? Can't we stay here?

257. I don't think they know what [their/there/they're] doing.

258. I can't wait [to/too/two] go camping next weekend.

259. I thought the soup was [to/too/two] salty.

260. Many families own [to/too/two] cars nowadays.

261. I work better if I can focus on [one/won] task at a time.

262. A guy at my office [one/won] the lottery!

263. [Wait/Weight] for the cookies to cool before you eat them.

264. I need to lose [wait/weight], so I've started walking to work.

265. Can I [wear/where] jeans, or is that too casual?

266. I'll never forget [wear/where] I was when I heard the news.

267. You can leave your coats over [their/there/they're].

268. They have a swimming pool at [their/there/they're] house.

269. [Their/There/They're] closing early on Christmas Eve.

270. The printer uses [to/too/two] ink cartridges, one black and one color.

271. I hope this meeting isn't [to/too/two] long.

272. He has [to/too/two] leave for work at six in the morning.

273. The robin is busy building [its/it's] nest.

274. Let me know when [its/it's] time to leave.

275. Are you [sure/shore] this is the right address?

276. Houses built near the [sure/shore] are at greater risk of flooding.

277. There is a weather vane on the [peak/peek/pique] of the barn roof.

278. The author posted a sneak [peak/peek/pique] of her latest novel on her website.

279. Comfort food can help [peak/peek/pique] their appetite.

280. Thank you for the thoughtful [compliment/complement].

281. Their different personalities [compliment/complement] each other well.

282. If you can't find a solution, take a [break/brake] and work on something else.

283. Make sure to put on the parking [break/brake] when you park your car.

284. He's the only [one/won] here who can speak Japanese.

285. Kazuo Ishiguro [one/won] the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2017.

286. I have to [meet/meat] with my lawyer this afternoon.

287. Season the [meet/meat] with salt and pepper, and then brown it in a hot pan.

288. The wind gust almost blew me off my [feet/feat]!

289. Giving medicine to my cat is no easy [feet/feat].

290. His [toe/tow] protruded from a hole in his sock.

291. We watched the tugboat [toe/tow] the ship into harbor.

292. The [creek/creak] eventually flows into a larger river.

293. She heard the front door [creek/creak] open as he returned home.

294. She learned to [read/reed] when she was only four years old.

295. The duck hid her ducklings among the dense [reads/reeds].

296. Stop signs are usually [red/read].

297. I [red/read] the directions, but I still can't figure out how it works.

298. Swallows seem to spend most of their time in the [air/heir].

299. His wife is [air/heir] to the family fortune.

300. The snowshoe [hare/hair] turns white in the winter.

301. I have three dogs, so my house is usually covered in [hare/hair].

302. I try to travel lightly, packing only the [bare/bear] essentials.

303. The grizzly [bare/bear] was skilled at catching salmon.

304. His words [wield/wheeled] tremendous influence among his followers.

305. I [wield/wheeled] the recycling bin to the curb.

306. The bird flew [through/threw] the open window.

307. She [through/threw] the stick for her dog.

308. He sharpened his pencil, [but/butt] the lead broke as soon as he started writing.

309. The politician was frequently the [but/butt] of comedians' jokes.

310. If you don't water your houseplants, they will [die/dye].

311. The actor had to [die/dye] his hair black for the role.

312. They often drink [wine/whine] with their meals.

313. The dog will [wine/whine] at the door when he wants to go out.

314. The truck driver pulled over to the side of the [road/rode].

315. I [road/rode] the bus to school every morning.

316. My aunt has a pet [Road/Rode/Rhode] Island Red rooster.

317. I have only one [pair/pear] of shoes.

318. That [pair/pear] isn't ripe enough to eat yet.

319. The monkey hung from the tree by its [tail/tale].

320. My grandfather told us a [tail/tale] about his childhood.

321. Do you have [time/thyme] to proofread my essay?

322. I grow [time/thyme] in a pot on my balcony.

323. Martens and [fishers/fissures] are closely related carnivorous mammals.

324. After the earthquake, the pavement was cracked with deep [fishers/fissures].

325. I didn't have time to watch the [whole/hole] movie.

326. The badger dug a [whole/hole] in the garden.

327. When I'm [bored/board], I get sleepy.

328. The carpenter sawed the [bored/board] in half.

329. I won't [bore/boar] you with the details, but I finally finished my taxes.

330. The wild [bore/boar] is the ancestor of most domestic swine.

331. Fertilize your tomato plants to [ensure/insure] a good harvest.

332. Remember to [ensure/insure] your vehicle before you drive it.

333. There's nothing wrong with my [sight/site]; I wear glasses because I like how they look.

334. We visited the [sight/site] of the historic battle.

335. Mange is caused by a type of parasitic [mite/might].

336. I [mite/might] be wrong, but I think the store is closed today.

337. I felt the [effect/affect] of the medication almost immediately.

338. A poor night's sleep can [effect/affect] your whole day.

339. Will you [be/bee] coming to the Christmas party?

340. A [be/bee] landed on the flower.

341. I've never seen [so/sew] many fireflies!

342. I learned to [so/sew] in home economics.

343. My [Aunt/Ant] Caroline is my mother's youngest sister.

344. An [aunt/ant] can carry up to 50 times its body weight.

345. When my calculations are wrong, I have to [pore/pour] over the spreadsheet to find the error.

346. While whisking constantly, slowly [pore/pour] the oil into vinegar in a steady stream.

347. The tornado [tore/tour] through the city's industrial district.

348. They gave us a [tore/tour] of their new house.

349. I'll be on holidays next [week/weak].

350. This coffee is too [week/weak].

351. In the summer, she often makes mixed [berry/bury] cobblers.

352. The squirrels [berry/bury] the peanuts under the snow.

353. I don't know [whether/weather] I should leave or stay.

354. He always checks the [whether/weather] in the morning before he leaves for work.