CBSE Grade 6 Science Chapter 1 : Food - Where Does it Come From 


(Pages 6-7)

Question 1.
Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food?
No, all living beings do not need the same kind of food.

Question 2.
Name five plants and their parts that we eat.

New of the plant Edible part
1. Lotus (a) Seeds (makhana)
(b) Stem(vegetables)
2. Water nut (Singhara) (a) Fruit
3. Gram (a) Seeds (pulse)
(b) Leaves (vegetables)
4. Radish (a) Roots (vegetables)
(b) Leaves (vegetables)
5. Mustard (a) Seeds (oil, spices)
(b) Leaves (vegetables)

 Question 3.
Match the items given in Column A with that in Column B.

Column A Column B
Milk, curd, paneer, ghee eat other animals
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot eat plants and plant products
Lions and tigers are vegetables
Herbivores are all animal products


Column A Column B
Milk, curd, paneer, ghee are all animal products
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot are vegetables
Lions and tigers eat other animals
Herbivores eat plants and plant products

Question 4.
Fill in the blanks with the words given:
herbivore, plant, milk, sugarcane, carnivore

  1. Tiger is a ……………………… because it eats only meat.
  2. Deer eats only plant products and so, is called ……………………….
  3. Parrot eats only ……………………… products.
  4. The ……………………… that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes, and goats is an animal product.
  5. We get sugar from ……………………….


  1. carnivore
  2. herbivore
  3. plant
  4. milk
  5. sugarcane

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Food Where Does it Come From Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Name the animals which provide us milk.
Some animals that give us milk are cow, goat, camel and buffalo.

Question 2.
Name the major ingredients of dal.
The major ingredients of dal are pulses, water, salt, oil, spices, etc.

Question 3.
Which animals give us meat?
We get meat from goat, sheep and pig.

Question 4.
Name the process in which moong are used to obtain more nutritious food.

Question 5.
Name any five products prepared from milk.
The five products prepared from milk are cheese, butter, sweets, ghee, curd.

Question 6.
Name the types of oil that can be used for making food items.
Mustard oil, groundnut oil, sunflower oil, soyabean oil, coconut oil.

Question 7.
Name two sugar-producing plants.
The two sugar-producing plants are:

  • Sugar cane
  • Sugar beet

Question 8.
What are the two main sources of food?
The two main sources of food are: Plants and Animals

Question 9.
Name a plant which have one edible part.
Sugar cane is the plant which has only one edible part.

Question 10.
Name some plants which have two or more edible parts.
Plants having two or more edible parts are: radish, lotus, methi, mustard.

Question 11.
Which part of a mustard plant is edible?
The edible parts of a mustard plant are seeds and leaves.

Question 12.
Which term in the following includes the other three? Cow, monkey, buffalo, herbivores.

Question 13.
Name the animals that eat both plants and animals.
Some animals that eat both plants, as well as animals, are human beings and bears.

Question 14.
List the name of some carnivores animals.
Some carnivores animals are lion, tiger, dog, etc.

Question 15.
What are the seed with white coloured tiny roots on them called?

Food Where Does it Come From Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Define the term food.
Eatables taken by human beings and animals which provide them energy for various activities, for growth and good health, mental stimulus for thinking are called food. For example – bread, chapati, rice, etc.

Question 2.
What do you mean by food habits?
The habit of an individual owing to which it takes a particular type of food depending upon its taste and availability is called food habits.

Question 3.
What do you mean by ingredients?
The materials or components which are used to prepare food are called ingredients. For example – Chapati is made up of only two ingredients – wheat flour and water.

Question 4.
Name the most common food items provided by the following animals:
(a) cow
(b) hen
(c) goat
(a) Cow – it provides us with milk.
(b) Hen – it provides us with eggs and meat.
(c) Goat – it provides us with milk and meat.

Question 5.
How can we say plants are the major sources of food?
Plants are the sources of food materials like cereals (wheat, rice, barley, millet, etc.), pulses, oils, sugar, fruit, spices, tea, coffee, etc. Thus plants are the major sources of food for human beings and other animals.

Question 6.
Explain the main functions of food for living beings.
The main functions of food for living beings are:

  1. It provides us energy for doing all life activities.
  2. It provides material for repair of damaged cells and to replace dead cells in the body.
  3. It provides materials needed for growth and reproduction.
  4. It keeps us healthy and enables us to fight against infections.
  5. It provides mental stimulus for thinking.

Question 7.
What do you mean by sprouting?
When seed begin to grow or germinate by developing white coloured tiny roots on them, they are called sprouts. This method of making sprouts from seeds is called sprouting.

Question 8.
Classify the following animals into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
Dog, tiger, deer, man, cow, crow, rabbit, vulture, camel, lizard, squirrel, lion, cat.

Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores
Deer Tiger Man
Cow Vulture Crow
Rabbit Lizard Cat
Camel Lion Dog

Question 9.
Why we must eat cooked food only?
Cooked food is easily digested by our body. It also kills harmful germs. Cooking increases the taste also. That is why we must prefer cooked food.

Question 10.
Give some examples of food obtained from plants and animals.

Food we get from plants Food we get from animals
Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruit, Sugar, Oil, Spices, Tea, Coffee Meat, Eggs, Milk and milk products (like Cheese, Ghee, Butter, Curd, Sweets, etc.), Honey

Question 11.
What are the food habits of the people in Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Gujarat?

  • Tamil Nadu – Idli, Dosa, Sambhar, Banana chips, Coconut oil, etc.
  • Punjab – Lassi, Paratha, Chapatis, Sarson saag, Pulses, etc.
  • Gujarat – Khandvi, Gujarati samosa, Uundhyu, Dhokla, Thepla, etc.

Question 12.
Which category of food is known as ‘energy-rich food’?
Cereals are known as ‘energy-rich food’ as they are rich in carbohydrates. For example, rice, wheat, jowar, maize, etc.

Food Where Does it Come From Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
What is honey? What are its importance?
A sweet substance (liquid) prepared by bees from the nectar, i.e., sweet juice collected from flowers, is called honey.

Importance of honey are:

  1. It can reduce seasonal allergy symptoms.
  2. It delivers a quick boost of energy.
  3. It helps prevent cellular damage and loss within the brain.
  4. It can be a health aid for sleepless night.
  5. It brings temporary relief to the scalp by targeting dandruff.

Question 2.
How is honey produced and collected?
The steps involved in the production of honey are:

  1. Beekeepers develop a device called sleek. It is a basket placed upside down over the beehive. The full honeycombs were removed from underneath.
  2. Beekeepers inject a puff of smoke into the hive. The bees gorge themselves on honey in an attempt to take as much as they can with them before fleeing.
  3. Using a long-handled uncapping fork, the beekeepers scrap the caps from both sides, of the honey-comb onto the tapping tray.
  4. Honey is extracted from beehives either manually or with the help of an artificial extractor.

Question 3.
Differentiate between ‘food producers’ and ‘food consumers’.

Food producers Food consumers
1. The living beings which can prepare their own food by natural method are called food producers.

2. All the green plants are food producers.

3. They are also called autotrophs.

4. They are dependent on water, sunlight and carbon dioxide for their food.

1. The living beings which cannot prepare their own food are called food consumers.

2. All the animals including human beings are food consumers.

3. They are also called heterotrophs.

4. They are dependent on the food producers, i.e., green plants for their food.

Question 4.
Define the term herbivores. Give five examples.
Animals which eat only the plants or the plant products like fruits, flowers, seeds, nectar, etc., are called herbivores. The five examples of herbivores are: deer, cow, rat, camel and goat.

Question 5.
Define the term carnivores. Give five examples.
Animals which eat other animals are called carnivores. The five examples of carnivores are: tiger, lion, hyena, vulture and jackal.

Question 6.
Define the term omnivores. Give five examples.
Animals which eat both plants, as well as other animals, are called omnivores. The five examples of omnivores are: cat, crow, human beings, bear and dog.

Question 7.
Define scavengers and parasites with examples.
Scavengers: Some carnivores and omnivores eat dead animals. They are called scavengers. They help in cleaning our surroundings. For example, crow, jackal, hyena, etc.

Parasites: These are some plants and very small animals which live on or inside other animals or plants and get their food from them. For example, fleas, leeches, bed bugs, mistletoe, etc.

Question 8.
Describe in detail the processes of making sprouts from moong.
The processes involved in making sprouts from moong are:

  1. Some dry moong are taken and put in a container filled with water.
  2. The next day; water is drained completely and seeds are left in the vessel.
  3. These seeds are wrapped with a piece of wet cloth and are set aside.
  4. Water must be sprinkled on the piece of cloth from time to time to keep it wet.
  5. When the wrap is removed, we will find that tiny white roots have emerged out from the seed. We say that the seeds have sprouted.

Question 9.
What do you mean by vegetarian and non-vegetarian food habits?
Man is omnivorous, i.e., he feeds on both plants and animals. But due to some religious or traditional reasons some people strictly avoid the food containing meat, fish, egg, etc., while some have no hesitation to have such food stuffs. On this basis there are two types of food habits found in our society:

Vegetarian: People who takes only plants and plant products and dairy products but do not take meat, fish, eggs, etc.
Non-vegetarian: People who take the above food stuff along with vegetables.

Food Where Does it Come From Class 6 Extra Questions HOTS

Question 1.
Plants provide us a different food items. Are they useful to us in other ways also? Explain.
Plants are useful to us in many ways. They have multi uses. All we know that most of the food items that we eat come from plants. Thus they are the major sources of food for human beings and animals. But very few of us know that plants have other indirect benefits also which have social and other impacts.

We often see that people sit under a big tree to intake fresh oxygen because it very useful for our health. Simultaneously they discuss many social issues and problems in order to make a consensus. Thus plants or trees have social impacts.

In many religions plants are worshipped. In Hindu religion, a banayan tree, peepal tree and many other trees have their religious importance. In Christianity, X-mas tree is worshipped. Thus plants have religious impact. Plants are important from health point of view also. Most of the medicines are prepared from plants. Plants help us in curing different diseases. Some spices also have health benefits.

Clothes are important for us because they protect us from heat and cold which are made from the plants. Thus they have industrial benefits. Finally we can say that plants-are important from social, political, religious and health point of view.

Question 2.
Why plants are called ultimate source of food though we get food from animals also?
Answer:Plants are called ultimate source of food because they are the producers and produce food consumed by the herbivores. We get food from these animals which are directly or indirectly dependent on plants.

Question 3.
Why scientifically we say most of the vegetables like bottle gourd, brinjal, chilli actually are fruits? Answer:
Because these vegetables are developed from mature ovary which are actually fruits of the plant.

Question 4.
Name some stems and roots that we consume as vegetables.

  • Stems – lotus stem, potato, ginger and onion.
  • Roots – beetroot, sweet potato, radish and carrot.

Food Where Does it Come From Class 6 Extra Questions Value Based Question (VBQs)

Question 1.
Nima while helping her mother washing the vegetables was wondering why her science teacher told that these vegetables are actually fruits. She then asked her father. Her father explained this with the help of internet.
(a) Name some vegetables which are actually fruits of the plants.
(b) Name some seed eaten as food by us.
(c) What quality of Nima is shown here?
(a) Brinjal, bottle gourd, tomato, lady’s finger are some of the fruits which are eaten as vegetable by us.
(b) Some seeds eaten as food by us are pulses, pea and beans.
(c) Nima is exploring, curious and helping in nature.

Question 2.
While playing in a park in evening Rahul observed very colourful butterflies and bees sitting on the flowers. He wondered why these insects are sitting on flowers only. His friend Rohan explained the reason to him.
(a) Name some food products that we obtained from animals.
(b) Why were butterflies and insects sitting on the flowers?
(c) What value of Rohan is seen here?
(a) We obtain milk and milk products, meat, egg, cod-liver oil and honey from animals.
(b) Butterflies and insects were sitting on the flowers to obtain nectar.
(c) Rohan is intelligent and helpful to his friend.

Chapter Notes

Any substances or materials that are required to produce a dish are called Ingredients.
Example: Atta (flour) and water are the two ingredients required to make a chapatti.

Food Materials and its Sources

Food is the basic requirement of life.Its sources are Plants and Animals.

Plants act as sources of food ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses etc.

Animals are sources of food ingredients such as milk, eggs, meat products etc.

Edible plant parts and their examples

  • Roots: beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, ginger,
  • Stems: broccoli stem, bamboo shoots, sugar cane, potato
  • Leaves: spinach, lettuce etc.
  • Fruits: apple, pear, tomatoes, grapes, cherries, oranges
  • Edible Flowers: broccoli heads, cauliflower heads
  • Seeds: sunflower seeds

What do Animals Eat?

Animals can be classified into three broad categories in terms of what they eat .

  • They are plant eaters.
  •  They only consume plant parts.
  •  Examples: Cows, goats, deer, giraffe etc.

  • They are meat eaters.
  • They only consume meat of other animals.
  • Examples: Lions, tigers, vultures etc.
  • They are animals who eat both plant parts and meat products.
  • Examples: Humans, bears etc.
There are five major components of food namely vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
While the diet of carnivores is rich in fats and proteins, there are some necessary vitamins and minerals in plant-based foods that their diet lacks. Similarly an all plant-based diet lacks in a good amount of protein and certain minerals.

It is important to know that there is difference between vegetarians and herbivores. While vegetarians make a conscious decision to not eat meat, herbivores on the other hand are incapable of eating meat and dairy products. Similarly carnivores lack the necessary enzymes in their stomachs to digest cellulose which is a major component of green food like grass.

Important Definitions

Nectar: The juicy sweet liquid secreted by within flowers which is sucked by bees and is made into honey by them

Sprouting: The process by which seeds shoot out small white structures as way of growth is called Sprouting.

Cellulose: It is a substance that is found in the cell walls of a number of plants. It is an indigestible fibre and is found in grass.

Enzymes: It is defined as a chemical substance that helps in bringing about changes to certain other substances without undergoing any changes in themselves.