CBSE Grade 6 Science Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7- Getting to Know Plants 

(Page 64)

Question 1.

Correct the following statements and rewrite them in your notebook :

(a) Stem absorbs water and minerals from the soil.


Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil.

(b) Leaves hold the plant upright.


The stem holds the plant upright.

(c) Roots conduct water to the leaves.


Stem conducts water to the leaves.

(d) The number of petals and sepals in a flower is always equal.


The statement is not correct

(e) If the sepals of a flower are joined together its petals are also joined.


The statement is correct.

(f) If the petals of a flower are joined together, then the pistil is joined to the petal.


The statement is correct.

Question 2.

Draw a leaf, a taproot, and a flower, you have studied for Table 7.3 (NCERT Book, Page 61).

Answer :

(a) Leaf

(b) Taproot

(c) Flower

Question 3.

Can you find a plant in your house or in your neighbourhood, which has a long but weak stem? Write its name. In which category will you place it?

Answer :

Yes, money plant. It belongs to creepers.

Question 4.

What is the function of a stem?

Answer :

A stem in a plant performs the following functions:

    It bears leaves, buds, flowers, fruits, etc.

    It conducts water from roots to the leaves and other parts and food from leaves to the roots.

    In some plants, it is also modified to store food.

    It upholds the plant upright.

Question 5.

Which of the following leaves have reticulate venation? Wheat, tulsi, maize, grass, coriander (dhania), China rose.

Answer :

Leaves having reticulate venation are Tulsi, Coriander (dhania), China rose.

Question 6.

If a plant has a fibrous root, what type of venation do its leaves have?

Answer :


Question 7.

If a plant has leaves with reticulate venation, what kind of roots will it have?


If a plant has leaves with reticulate venation then it will have taproots.

Question 8.

Is it possible for you to find out whether a plant has taproot or fibrous roots by looking at the impression of its leaf on a sheet of paper?

Answer :

We cannot exactly recognize a leaf without seeing it. However, we might get some idea about the leaf by touching and smelling.

Question 9.

Write the names of the parts of a flower.

Answer :

Sepals, petals, stamen, pistil.

Question 10.

From the following plants, which of them have flowers? Grass, maize, wheat, chilli, tomato, tulsi, piped, shisham, banyan, mango, Jamun, guava, pomegranate, papaya, banana, lemon, sugarcane, potato, groundnut.

Answer :

S.No Name of the plant Whether seen Whether have flowers

Yes No

1. Grass Yes ✓

2. Maize Yes ✓  

3. Wheat Yes ✓

4. Chilli Yes ✓  

5. Tomato Yes ✓  

6. Tulsi Yes ✓  

7. Pipal Yes ✓

8. Shisham Yes ✓  

9. Banyan Yes ✓

10. Mango Yes ✓  

11. Jamun Yes ✓  

12. Guava Yes ✓  

13. Pomegranate Yes ✓  

14. Papaya Yes ✓  

15. Banana Yes ✓  

16. Lemon Yes ✓  

17. Sugarcane Yes ✓

18. Potato Yes ✓

19. Groundnut Yes ✓

Question 11.

Name the part of the plant which produces its food. Name this process.

Answer :

Leaves of the plant produce food by the process of photosynthesis.

Question 12.

In which part of a flower , you will find ovary?

Answer :

Pistil. The ovary is the lowermost part of the pistil.

Question 13.

Name two flowers, in which one has joined sepals and the other has separate sepals. ,

Answer :

Flowers with joined sepals are in rose, ladyfingers, brinjal.

Flower with separate sepals in mustard and datura.

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Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants with Answers Solutions

Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What are the plants having green tender stems called?

Question 2.
What type of root wheat plant have?
Fibrous root

Question 3.
Name one plant which has reticulate venation?

Question 4.
Name the part of plant which produces food.

Question 5.
Name the part of a flower which becomes fruit after fertilization.

Question 6.
Name two types of roots found in plants.

  • Taproot
  • Fibrous root

Question 7.
Name the process by which plant make their food.

Question 8.
Name the green pigment present in the leaves of a plant.

Question 9.
Name the parts of plant which grows under the ground.
Root grows under the ground.

Question 10.
Name a plant which has weak stem.

Question 11.
Name the three types of plants.
Herbs, shrubs and trees.

Question 12.
Which part of plant holds it upright?

Question 13.
Name the tiny pores on the surface of a leaf.

Question 14.
What is the function of chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll imparts green colour to the leaves.

Question 15.
Give one function of stem
Stem helps in transportation of water and food in the plants.

Question 16.
Name some plants having taproot.
Mango tree, turnip, carrot, beet, etc.

Question 17.
Give some examples of plants having fibrous roots.
Millet, bamboo, sugar cane, sweet potato, etc.

Question 18.
What kind of stem do shrub have?
Hard but not very thick.

Question 19.
What is the life span of shrubs?
Many years but it is less than that of trees.

Question 20.
What kind of stem do herbs have?
Soft and delicate stem.

Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What are herbs?
Herbs are small plants having a soft and delicate stem.

Question 2.
What are shrubs?
Shrubs are medium-sized plants with a hard and woody stem branching out near the base. Though stem of a shrub is hard but it is not very thick.

Question 3.
What is pistil?
The pistil is the female part of a flower. It is also known as carpel.

Question 4.
Define taproot.
A taproot is a straight tapering root which grows vertically down into the soil and gives out branches on all the sides.

Question 5.
What is root?
Root is a part of a plant which is below the ground (in the soil). There are two types of roots:

  • Taproot
  • Fibrous root.

Question 6.
What are plants?
Plants are living things. Each plant has many parts to perform different functions for its survival. The main parts of plant are root, stem, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.

Question 7.
What are fibrous roots?
Some plants do not have main root. They have a bunch of similar roots called fibrous roots.

Question 8.
Name the different parts of flowers.
A flower consists of following parts:

  1. Pedicel
  2. Sepals
  3. Petals
  4. Stamens
  5. Carpel

Question 9.
Define pollination.
Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of a flower is known as pollination.

Question 10.
What is a tree?
Trees are tall and big plants with a hard and thick woody stem.

Question 11.
What are creepers?
A plant having thin, long, and weak stem which cannot stand upright and spreads in the ground are known as creepers.

Question 12.
What are climbers?
A plant having thin, long and weak stem which cannot stand upright, but readily climbs up neighboring support or a tree is called climber.

Question 13.
What is the main difference between climbers and creepers?
The main difference between climbers and creepers is that the climber plants have climbing organs like tendrils but the creeper plants have no such climbing organs.

Question 14.
What is a flower?
Flowers are the most beautiful part of a plant. Different plants have different types of flowers. Flowers are of many sizes, shapes and colours.

Question 15.
Define parallel venation.
The type of venation in which the veins in a leaf run parallel to one another on both sides of the midrib is called parallel venation. For example, paddy, maize, millet, etc.

Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
What is root? List the main functions of root.
Root is that part of a plant which is below the ground (in the soil). The main functions of roots are as follows:

  1. Root absorb water and nutrients from the soil which are needed by plant leaves to make food.
  2. Roots help in holding the soil together and thus prevents soil erosion.
  3. Roots help the plant to stand erect. This prevents the plant from being pulled out easily or blown away by the wind.
  4. Some plants have modified roots which store food for the plants like beetroot, radish, carrot.

Question 2.
What are the functions of flower?

  1. A flower is the seat or organ of sexual reproduction and results in the formation of fruits and seeds. Seeds on germination give rise to new plants. A flower thus, results in multiplication of plants.
  2. It is the source of food for many insects.
  3. Flowering plants are grown in gardens and in homes because of the bright colour and fragrance of the flowers. Therefore, they beautify the surroundings and provide aesthetic value.

Question 3.
Explain the process of preparation of food in leaves.
Leaves are the food factories of the plant. They make food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, the green leaves of a plant combine carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. This can be written as:
image 1

Question 4.
What are herbs, shrubs and trees? Give two examples of each.

  1. Herbs: Herbs are small plants having a soft and delicate stem. Herbs do not have woody stem. They are non-woody plants. Herbs have a green and tender stem. They are short sized plants. Herbs have short life span. For example, tomato, cabbage.
  2. Shrubs: Shrubs are medium-sized plants with a hard and woody, branching out near the base. Shrubs tend to branch near ground level, so many branches are seen rising just above the ground giving them a bushy appearance. For example, lemon, tulsi, etc.
  3. Trees: Trees are tall and big plants with hard and thick woody stem. The trees have one main stem called trunk which usually gives out branches and leaves. For example, neem, mango, etc.

Question 5.
What is stem of a plant? State the various functions of the stem in a plant.
Answer:Stem is the part of plant which rises vertically up from the ground. The main functions of the stem of a plant are as follows:

  1. The stem holds the plants upright.
  2. The stem of a plant carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and other parts of the plants.
  3. The stem carries the prepared food from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
  4. The stem holds the leaves in such a way that the leaves are able to get plenty of sunlight for preparing food by photosynthesis.

Question 6.
What is leaf? What are its functions?
The leaf is a thin, broad, flat and green part of a plant which is attached to the stem (or branch). The leaves of plants have three main functions:

  1. The leaves make food for the plant by photosynthesis.
  2. The leaves get rid of excess water from the plant through transpiration.
  3. The leaves carry out the process of respiration in plants.

Question 7.
Draw a labelled diagram of a flower.
The main parts of a flower are sepals, petals, stamen and pistil.

Question 8.
What is a fruit?
A fruit is that part of a plant that contains the seeds. Apples, oranges, plums, etc., are the example of fruits. The fruits and seeds are formed from flowers by the process of pollination and fertilization.

Question 9.
Differentiate between herbs and shrubs.

                                             Herbs Shrubs
1. Herbs are small plants having a soft and delicate stem. 1. Shrubs are medium-sized plants with hard and woody stem.
2. Herbs do not grow more than one metre in height. 2. Shrubs tend to branch near ground level.
3. They have a very short life span, e.g., tomato, cabbage, etc. 3. They have life span shorter than that of trees but more than herbs, e.g., cotton, tulsi, etc.

Question 10.
Differentiate between taproot and fibrous root.

Taproot Fibrous root
1. Taproot has only one main and long root. 1. Fibrous root do not have a main root.
2. Taproot goes deep in the soil. 2. They do not go deep into the soil.
3. Taproots are found in plants which have reticu­late venation in their leaves. 3. These are found in plants which have paral­lel venation in their leaves.

Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Extra Questions HOTS

Question 1.
Write the location of the following:
(i) Ovule
(ii) Pollen grains
(iii) Endosperm
(i) Ovary
(ii) Anther
(iii) Seed

Question 2.
Write the name of plant parts which perform the following functions:
(i) Anchoring
(ii) Transportation
(iii) Preparing food
(iv) Reproduction
(v) Germination
(i) Root
(ii) Stem
(iii) Leaves
(iv) Flower
(v) Seed

Question 3.
Which part of the flower is necessary for reproduction? Why?
Stamen and pistil are necessary for reproduction as they produce male gamete and female gamete respectively. Petals helps in attracting insects for pollination as they are variously coloured whereas sepals protect the flower buds. Both petals and sepals are accessory parts of the flower.

Question 4.
What is the function of seed coat?
Seed is surrounded by a tough covering called seed coat. It protects the seed from outer harsh environment.

Question 5.
What is the main difference between climbers and creepers?
Climbers need support whereas creepers can grow along the ground. Climbers have tendrils for climbing but creepers do not have this structure.

Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Extra Questions Value Based Question (VBQs)

Question 1.
Rima kept some soaked gram seeds for sprouting. But she forgot about this. On fifth day she suddenly remembered and opened the container having seeds. She found that small leaves along with white sprouts have grown out of the seed.
(a) What does the white structure of sprout give rise to?
(b) What kind of root is found in gram plant?
(c) Why Rima found small leaves in the sprouts?
(d) What value of Rima is shown here?
(a) White structure of the sprout give rise to root of the plant.
(b) Taproot.
(c) Rima kept the soaked gram seeds for many days so they germinated into young plants.
(d) Rima is careless, forgetful but at the same time she is a good observer.

Question 2.
Rakesh while walking in his terrace garden found many types of wasp wandering around the flowers. He thought that these insects are spoiling his flower and immediately took out the insect collecting net to get rid of them. On seeing this Rakesh’s elder brother stopped him from doing this and said that these wasps are flower’s friends.
(a) What do these wasps get from the flowers?
(b) Why Rakesh’s elder brother call these wasps as ‘flower’s friend’?
(c) What is pollination?
(d) What value of Rahul’s elder brother is shown here?
(a) Wasps get pollen and nectar from the flowers.
(b) Wasps help in transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma. Thus, it helps in pollination.
(c) Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of a flower.
(d) Rahul’s elder brother is eco-friendly, intelligent, empathy and helpful.

Question 3.
After learning about types of roots Amrita was too curious to see types of roots in different plants. She started uprooting plants from the garden. Shweta, her friend and classmate, on seeing this stopped her and told her that one can determine the kind of root by just seeing the leaves. We need not require to uproot the plants.
(a) What are the two types of roots?
(b) How leaves can determine the type of roots?
(c) What value of Shweta is shown here?
(a) Two types of roots are taproot and fibrous root.
(b) The design made by veins in a leaf is called the leaf venation. The pattern of leaf venation determines the type of roots present in a plant. If the leaf have reticulate venation then it has taproot and if the leaf have parallel venation then it has fibrous root.
(c) Shweta is intelligent, eco-friendly and have scientific aptitude.