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Question 1.
What is a habitat?
Answer :
The surroundings where plants and animals live are called their habitat.
Question 2.
How are cactus adapted to survive in a desert?
Answer :
The plants growing in deserts are adapted to prevent water loss for their survival, for example, cactus:
it has no leaves just to prevent water loss through transpiration.
the stem is modified in such a way that it performs photosynthesis.
the root system is well-developed and grows deep in search of water.
Question 3.
Fill up the blanks:
(a) The presence of specific features, which enable a plant or an animal to live in a particular habitat, is called _______.
(b) The habitats of the plants and animals that live on land are called _______ habitat.
(c) The habitats of plants and animals that live in water are called _______ habitat.
(d) Soil, water and air are the _______ factors of a habitat.
(e) Changes in our surroundings that make us respond to them, are called _______.
Question 4.
Which of the things in the following list are non-living? Plough, Mushroom, Sewing machine, Radio, Boat, Water hyacinth, Earthworm.
Answer :
In this list, plough, sewing machine, radio, and boat are non-living.
Question 5.
Give an example of a non-living thing, which shows any two characteristics of living things.
Answer :
Moving of bus or car – Movement is characteristic of living things.
Growing in the size of clouds – Growth is the characteristic of living things.
Question 6.
Which of the non-living things listed below, were once part of a living thing? Butter, Leather, Soil, Wool, Electric bulb, Cooking oil, Salt, Apple, Rubber
Answer :
Butter, Leather, Wool, Cooking oil, Apple and Rubber are the non-living things from the list which were once the part of a living thing.
Question 7.
List the common characteristics of living things.
Answer :
The common characteristics of living things are :
They all need food.
They all show growth.
They all respire.
They all respond to stimuli.
They all reproduce their own kind.
They all move.
Question 8.
Explain why speed is important for survival in the grasslands for animals that live there.
(Hint: There are few trees or places for animals to hide in grassland habitats.)
Answer :
The speed of animals in the grasslands helps them to run away from predators.
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Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings with Answers Solutions
The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Name the process by which living things obtain energy from food.
Question 2.
Name two aquatic plants which are completely submerged in water.
Lily and lotus
Question 3.
Name two terrestrial habitats.
Deserts, mountains
Question 4.
What are two components of the habitat?
(i) Biotic components
(ii) Abiotic components
Question 5.
Name one characteristic which tells us that seeds are living things.
They grow into a plant when get favourable conditions.
Question 6.
Name two animals which live in the arboreal habitat.
(i) Birds
(ii) Monkey
Question 7.
Mention few aquatic plants found in a pond.
Water hyacinth, water lily, lotus, Hydrilla, etc.
Question 8.
Name the habitats of following plants:
(a) Cactus
(b) Hydrilla
(a) Cactus: Desert
(b) Hydrilla: Aquatic
Question 9.
Name some plants which live in dry areas.
Plants like cactus, Acacia, pine, prickly pear live in dry areas.
Question 10.
Name two aquatic habitats.
Oceans, ponds
Question 11.
Write the names of two sea animal which have nostrils.
Dolphins and whales
Question 12.
What is stimuli?
The changes in our surrounding that makes us respond to them are called stimuli.
Question 13.
How does gills help a fish?
Gills help fish to take-up oxygen dissolved in water.
Question 14.
Name an animal in which the exchange of gases, during respiration, take place through its skin.
The earthworm breathes through the skin.
Question 15.
Name one animal which is adapted to live in water as well as land.
The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type
Question 1.
What is adaptation?
The change in specific features or certain habits, which enables a plant or an animal to live in its surroundings is called adaptation.
Question 2.
Define ecology.
The study of relationship between living organism and their surroundings is called ecology.
Question 3.
What is environment?
Our physical surrounding is called environment.
Question 4.
What is ocean?
A very large body of salt water that covers nearly three-fourths of the surface of the earth is called ocean.
Question 5.
Where does a camel lives?
A camel lives in a hot desert where there is scarcity of water.
Question 6.
What is habitat?
The place or surroundings where a plant or an animal lives is called its habitat.
Question 7.
What is terrestrial habitat?
A land based habitat is called a terrestrial habitat.
Question 8.
What is acclimatisation?
Small changes that take place in the body of a single organism over short periods, to overcome small problems due to changes in the surroundings, is called acclimatization.
Question 9.
What is reproduction?
The process by which living organisms produce new member of their species is called reproduction.
Question 10.
What is excretion?
The removal of waste substances from the body of a living organism is called excretion.
Question 11.
What are organisms?
The living things are called organisms.
Question 12.
What are biotic components?
The living things such as plants, animals and microorganisms in a habitat are its biotic components.
Question 13.
Explain abiotic components.
Various non-living things such as rocks, soil, air and water in a habitat constitute its abiotic components.
Question 14.
Why do fish have slippery scales on their bodies?
These scales protect the fish from external damage from sharp objects and also help in easy movement through water.
Question 15.
Give three adaptive features in desert plants.
- Well developed root systems.
- Leaves either very small or converted to spines.
- Stem is green and fleshy in some plants to carry out photosynthesis.
The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type
Question 1.
List the important characteristics of living things.
Following are the important characteristics of living things:
- Living things need food, air and water.
- Living things grow.
- Living things reproduce themselves.
- Living things respire.
- Living things are made up of living cells.
- Living things excrete.
- Living things have a definite lifespan.
Question 2.
How does the desert animals prevent the loss of water from their body?
- Many animals living in desert remain inactive during the day and become active during night to prevent the loss of water from their body. Such animals are called nocturnal.
- Certain animals hide themselves in burrows with gelatinous secretion and sleep for about 8 to 9 months in a year. This is called aestivation or summer sleep.
Question 3.
How are plants adapted to aquatic habitat?
- In aquatic plants, roots are much reduced in size and their main function is to hold the plant on its place.
- The stems may be reduced or long, slender, flexible and spongy. The air spaces in spongy stems make them buoyant.
- The leaves are thin, large and flat with waxy surface as in lotus and water lily. This protects leaves from wetting and decaying.
- The leaves of submerged plants are thin and narrow. Hydrilla and Vallisneria are submerged plants and have thin and narrow leaves. Such leaves allow the water to flow without damaging them.
Question 4.
What is respiration?
All the living things need energy to grow, move and stay alive. They get this energy from food through respiration. Respiration is the chemical process in which food taken by an organism combines with oxygen to release energy. This energy is used by the organism to carry out its various life processes. Carbon dioxide and water are the other products of the process of respiration.
Question 5.
What is habitat? Explain briefly.
All the living organisms (plants and animals) prefer to live in those places which are best suited to their needs. The place or surroundings where a plant or an animal live is called its habitat.
Habitat can be divided into two main groups:
(i) Terrestrial habitat
(ii) Aquatic habitat
A land based habitat is called terrestrial habitat and a water based habitat is called aquatic habitat.
Question 6.
Differentiate between biotic and abiotic components.
Abiotic components | Biotic components |
1. The term ‘biotic’ means living. | 1. The term ‘abiotic’ means non-living. |
2. All the living thing in a habitat are biotic components. | 2. All non-living things in a habitat are known as abiotic components. |
3. Example, plants, animals, etc. | 3. Example, air, soil, etc. |
Question 7.
Differentiate between xerophytes and hydrophytes.
Xerophytes | Hydrophytes |
1. Plants are adapted to dry conditions. | 1. Plants are adapted to aquatic conditions. |
2. Leaves are reduced in size or are modified to spines to reduce transpiration. | 2. Leaves are broad for floating or ribbon-shaped to allow water current through it. |
3. Roots are long and well developed. | 3. Roots are not very well developed. Their main function is just anchoring the plant. |
4. Example, Cactus, Acacia | 4. Example, Hydrilla, Vallisneria |
The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Class 6 Extra Questions HOTS
Question 1.
What is acclimatization? How it differs from adaptation?
Small changes in an organism to overcome small changes in the surrounding is called acclimatization. Whereas adaptation is permanent ability of an organism to make themselves suitable for living in a particular environment. Adaptation is slow and gradual process whereas acclimatization is comparatively a quick method.
Question 2.
Can you name some plant parts, apart from seed, which give rise to a new plant?
Leaves, stem, bulb, offset, corm, etc., of some plants can give rise to a new plant.
Question 3.
Is seed a living thing?
Yes, seed is a living thing as it has living embryo in it. It is in dormant state which could be break by subjecting it to favourable conditions.
Question 4.
Differentiate between aestivation and hibernation.
Aestivation | Hibernation |
1. It is summer sleep | 1. It is winter sleep. |
2. Animals rests in cool or shady and moist place. | 2. Animals rest in a warm place. |
3. It lasts for hot dry day time as nights are cooler. | 3. It is of longer duration and lasts for the whole duration of winter. |
4. Activators are snails, earthworms, bees, salamanders, frogs, toads, lizards, snakes, mud turtles, etc. | 4. Hibernators are polar bear, kangaroo, mouse, squirrels, etc. |
Question 5.
Why do mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders with them?
As we go higher the air gets less dense. There is lack of supply of oxygen. Thus, mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders with them.
The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Class 6 Extra Questions Value-Based (VBQs)
Question 1.
Radha while learning about the characteristics of living organisms studied that living organism excrete their waste out of the body. She remembered that plants are also living organisms. But she wondered how plants excrete their waste. She searched in internet to solve her query.
(a) What are the characteristics of living organisms?
(b) Which component is constituted by plants?
(c) How do plant excrete their waste materials?
(d) What value of Radha is shown here?
(a) Living organisms can
- grow
- reproduce
- excrete
- respire
- move
- show response to stimuli
(b) Biotic component
(c) In plants different modes of excretion are present. They loses their gaseous waste through their stomata. Deciduous plants transfer their toxic waste to the leaves which fall on maturity. Excess water is lost through transpiration.
(d) Radha is curious, responsible and hardworking.
Question 2.
Gita lives in Tamil Nadu. Her family planned to visit a hilly area during her school vacation. She was so excited. When she reached there, she experienced breathing problem while walking or running. She got worried that something might have happened to her. But her father consoled her and said, that this is normal and she will be fine after few days of staying there.
(a) Why does Gita experience breathing problem in hilly area?
(b) How will she be fine after some days?
(c) What do this process of adjusting to environment called?
(d) What values of Gita’s father is shown here?
(a) In hilly areas oxygen level is very low. So, Gita experienced breathing problem.
(b) Her body will make small changes, like increased red blood cells, to cope with decreased amount of oxygen.
(c) Acclimatisation
(d) Gita’s father is caring, loving, responsible and have scientific aptitude.